Forgive Me?

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Mitch: Are you going to ignore my calls forever?
Mitch: We need to talk about this at some point.

"Well, are you?

I locked my phone and flipped it over so I didn't have to look at the screen. I raised a brow at Wang. "It's rude to read other people's texts."

"Your phone has been going off like a nymphomaniac with a vibrator, you can't blame me."

Somehow, I managed to prepare for my conference on Friday and work seemed to be the only thing that kept me sane. However, the weekend arrived and silence crept up on me. Mandy and Dad left for a ten-day trip to Tokyo to celebrate their upcoming anniversary so I couldn't visit them. Eric was enjoying his time at Yale, Dave was in a bad space and I didn't want to surround him with even more negativity from me. 

Thankfully, I bumped into Wang and with one look, he knew I wasn't doing too well. Wang offered to spend all of Saturday with me to catch up but I knew he just wanted to cheer me up. Under normal circumstances, Wang easily made me laugh but after everything I'd recently found out, I was in no mood to smile let alone laugh. 

Wang noticed and asked me what was wrong, I vaguely briefed him. Wang knew Mitchell and I weren't on good terms and also knew about my upcoming surgery. To try and distract me, Wang ordered a whole lot of junk food, made my favorite dumplings and chow mien, and together we had a movie marathon. 

I ran a hand through my hair. "I reply to him once a day so he knows I'm alive, that's enough."

Wang paused the movie and turned in his seat to face me. "Mils, you can't isolate him forever. I don't know what really happened but I can tell he messed up pretty badly. However, I bet anything that Mitch is losing his mind right now. You guys need to talk, too much space can be bad."

"All of a sudden I miss your bad nymphomaniac jokes."

"They'll be back, I just needed to be serious for a second."

I took in a breath and wanted to smile at Wang's attempt to cheer me up but I couldn't. "I'll talk to him when I'm ready."

"When do you think that will be?"

I shrugged. "It's only been a day, give me some time."

Wang rested his hand over mine and grinned. "Until then, I'm always here for you. Wila through thick and thin."

"I'm already miserable, don't make it worse with that name."

Wang made a W with his index, middle, and ring finger and flipped the same fingers around with the other hand to make an M. "We're in this for life, always – Wila."

"Shut up." I threw a pillow at him. "And press play, this is the first movie that's caught my attention all day."

Wang sighed contently and rested back on the sofa. "We need to give foreign movies a better chance, they have so much heart."

Wang went on about the movie Kiara suggested we watch. Wang's latest obsessions were Bollywood movies and K-drama's, he even lured Dante in. Normally, I would've told Wang that I wanted to watch a movie, not read it because of the subtitles but I wasn't in the mood to argue and the plot seemed promising. 

Wang pressed play and a romantic song played in the background with a couple madly in love. I spaced out and glanced at the phone on my lap and wondered what Mitchell did. Knowing him, he was probably at work to occupy his mind but he must've also been overthinking what happened. 

A small part of me wanted to reach out because no matter what, I still loved him the same but every time I considered calling, the image of him and Liza came to mind. I felt betrayed by that kiss even though I had no right to. I tried to make excuses for him to explain why he'd fall into Liza's arms after everything but nothing justified his actions. 

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