Bubbles and Beer

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Mitch: It's after one PM and you're still in bed? Have you even eaten?

I rolled my eyes as I read over Mitchell's text message – we were apart for less than twenty-four hours and he was already paranoid. Even though Mitchell was three hours behind, he still ended texting me good morning first and I only replied about three hours later because I couldn't wake up. Mandy knocked on my door before she left for work to tell me she left my breakfast in the microwave, I acknowledged her words but wasn't sure if I actually replied or just said thank you in my head.

Typically, Mitchell was ready to lecture me about taking care of myself but it was one day and I was still jet-lagged. I let out a yawn, rubbed my eyes, and sat up against the headboard before I typed a reply. 

Me: Jealous I'm on the bed instead of you?

Mitch: I'm not kidding. Eat something and then you can sleep as much as you want.

Me: Okay... Daddy.

Mitch: I just said I'm not kidding... and you're not funny.

It was so easy to get Mitchell worked up, I imagined how annoyed he probably looked with a clenched jaw, pursed lips, and a hard glare. A small smile grew on my lips just thinking about him, I eventually dragged my lazy ass out of bed, stretched, and took my phone with me to the bathroom.

When Dad had my room designed, I was pretty young but he took Dad's princess a little too literally and my bathroom was proof. The color scheme was rose quartz marble with white accents and all the plumbing was rose gold with a large copper tub to match. 

I rested my phone on the counter while I peed and after I washed my hands and smeared toothpaste on my brush, I picked up the phone. 

Me: Don't let that office fool you, you can't boss me around and you know it :)

I put on some music before I started brushing my teeth. Mitchell took some time to reply so I assumed he got busy with work. I switched off the electric toothbrush, dropped it on the counter, and rinsed my mouth before I proceeded with my morning skincare regime.

As I picked up the cleanser, I glanced at the toothbrush and an idea hit me. A mischief grin grew over my lips as I took a picture of the brush. I sent it to Mitchell with a question as a caption. 

Me: For research purposes, which do you think would be a better pleasure tool, this or the hand shower?

I hit send and hoped it would've gotten prude Bitchell's panties in a knot, messing with him was one of my most favorite pastimes. After I washed my face, I walked over to the tub and opened the faucet to fill it. I looked through the different bath salts and opted for a lavender-scented one.

The tub filled and after turning off the water, I pulled Mitchell's shirt over my head, and just as I was about to get rid of my underwear, my phone vibrated. 

"Impeccable timing," I muttered to myself when Mitchell's name flashed on my screen.

Mitch: It's bad manners to play with what doesn't belong to you.

I dropped the phone aside and added some bubble bath to the hot water. Once there were enough bubbles in the water and the aroma mixed with lavender bath salts greeted me, I stripped completely and got in. 

I moaned in delight as the hot water comforted my tired muscles and lowered myself into the tub. I took a minute to enjoy the moment before I grabbed my phone and typed a reply to Mitchell. 

Me: The last I checked the toothbrush and hand shower belong to me.

Mitch: I'm talking about you and where you want to use those things.

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