Chapter 1: How Everything Began

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To anyone who may or may not read this someday, my name is Kitty, or at least that's what all my friends call me.

If I'm going to write everything down, I might as well start from the beginning right?

So that's what I'm going to do, start from the very beginning of my relationship with Remus and Sirius!

To me and all our friend they're Moony and Padfoot, Pads for short, but since you don't know them like I do you should know their real names.

To be honest, no one knows them like I do. Not our friends, not their families, no one. That's because we're all in a relationship, yes you read the right, all 3 of us are dating each other, and I wouldn't want it any other way!

Now that you know the basics of our relationship, we might as well start from the beginning, how everything started, where it all began..... HOGWARTS!

It all started when we were all 11, not the relationship, but our friendships.

I met my best friend, Lily Evans, on the train ride to school, The Hogwarts Express. She had already made a friend, Severus Snape, before school.

We'll call him Sev, all his friends do, it's just easier. All 3 of us also met a few more students before we got to the school: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigew.

Lily didn't like them from the beginning, she thought they were mean, but I found them hilarious! They entered out little room, where Sev, Lily, and I were all talking.

They all sat down and started asking questions, which most were answered by everyone. Things like 'What's your name?' 'Where are you from?' but then the question that changed Lily's opinion of them was asked.

"What house do you guy want to get sorted into? I want Gryffindor!" James asked.

You see, Lily didn't care much for stereotypes and while this question may seem simple, it's not as simple as one may think.

At Hogwarts, there are 4 houses you can get sorted into. The sorting ceremony happens the first night of your first year.

These are the houses:

Ravenclaw: This is where all the smart kids go, everyone who loves learning and reads a lot. Intelligence, knowledge, planning ahead, and wit are their traits.

Hufflepuff: This is where the hard working students go, people with extreme patience and understanding. Their traits are hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play.

Gryffindor: This is where the students who are "brave" go. I don't know what the sorting hats' definition of brave is, but this is where all the students go who aren't afraid to speak their minds go. All the students who don't really care if they get in trouble or not, and aren't afraid to play pranks. Their traits are listed as bravery, helping others, and chivalry.

Slytherin: This is where they say the pure blood supremacists go. I don't quite know about that, but that's what they say. The rumor is "All bad witches and wizards come from Slytherin". Everyone from all the other houses seem to avoid the students from Slytherin house, I've never understood why but, they just do. Slytherins' house traits are ambition, cunningness, heritage, and resourcefulness.

This question threw the entire cart into chaos!

Everyone started throwing out house names, except for Sev, and we'd all soon find out why.

"I want Gryffindor too!" Yelled Remus.

"I don't have a preference honestly, I just want to learn." said Lily

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