Chapter 10: How Do We Fix This Fuck Up?

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Before Remus and I could even get our shoes on, someone was banging on the door.

Whoever it was, was clearly mad, the door was shaking when I went to open it.

"What the hell did you do Y/N?" Lily was PISSED, I don't think I've ever seen her that mad before, she hadn't used my real name since our 5th year at Hogwarts.

"What? I'm currently trying to locate my missing boyfriend, have you seen him?" I asked

She looked shocked that I was staying calm but in reality I was freaking out inside.

"I have seen him? Yes! He's down at my house and he's really upset. What happened down here?" She seemed genuinely concerned which worried me

What had we done?!?!?

"Come sit down, you're pregnant, you don't need to be standing outside my front door freezing to death, Prongs would kill me." I said, opening the door more to let her into the apartment.

I had her sit on the couch while I went to go get her a glass of water before coming back to try and explain everything as best I could.

"Well, I'm going to have to start from the beginning of the entire situation." I said, handing her the glass of water.

"That's fine, just please explain what's going on..... he broke my vase that was on the mantle.... And he keeps swearing, but he won't tell anyone what happened."

I started from the beginning, how Remus and I felt like Sirius was getting lost in helping James with things for the baby because he was always gone, how we'd tried coming up with a plan to entice him back, what plan we'd come up with.

I even showed her the outfit, I didn't put it on, I just brought it out of the bedroom.

I told her about how Sirius had reacted all day, and then about the letters between Remus and I, I even tried to tell her about the sex in the shower but she covered my mouth before I finished with that part.

"Then he just slammed the bedroom door, and apparently went to your house. I'm so sorry you're getting dragged into this Lils." I felt really bad he'd gone down there instead of just talking to me or Remus... preferably both.

"Why did you think that would be a good idea Kitty?" She asked holding the outfit up, she looked impressed that I'd made it but made it clear we'd definitely fucked up..... BIG TIME!

"You can't just blame her Lily, I planned this too." Remus stated

Neither of us had noticed Remus but he was just standing in the doorway of the living room, leaning against the door frame.

"I know I can't blame just her but I didn't see you standing there, you BOTH messed up."

Remus winced at her tone, walking into the kitchen to get away from the situation momentarily, while I looked down at my hands that I had folded in my lap.

"I know we did Lils but I don't even know how to even begin to try and fix this" I was on the verge of crying.

"Well..... You could BOTH start by saying sorry, THAT MEANS YOU TOO REMUS!"

"I know what you meant, you don't need to yell" he said, staying in the kitchen, I'm pretty sure he was stress eating chocolate.

"Then, you could GET HIM OUT OF MY HOUSE BEFORE HE BREAKS ANYTHING ELSE!!!!!!! That vase was 5,709€  Kitty! James gave it to me ON OUR FUCKING HONEYMOON!!!!!"

"Then, you could GET HIM OUT OF MY HOUSE BEFORE HE BREAKS ANYTHING ELSE!!!!!!! That vase was 5,709€  Kitty! James gave it to me ON OUR FUCKING HONEYMOON!!!!!"

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