Chapter 3: The Day Everything Changed

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This is going to be the hardest part for me to write dear reader, this is the part where Lily and I were blindsided by Sev in a way that almost completely broke her.

This is the day we realized how far he had actually gotten in with his other friends, Lily and I always called them 'wannabe Death Eaters' which is what they were.

I suppose I'll start by describing what Sev looks like to you first, so you're not sitting there wondering.

Sev is about as tall as Remus, around 6'0" maybe? He has shoulder length jet black hair that always seems to be greasy, even though Lily and I both know he showers regularly. He has dark brown, almost black eyes, as well a really long hooked nose.

The rest of the Marauders' always made fun of his nose, even though Lily and had begged them repeatedly to stop. It sometimes seemed that it didn't matter what Sev did, the boys would always prank him or call him names of some sort.

Anyways, the day in question happened in June of 1976.

We had all just finished one of our OWL exams, for those who don't know OWLS are our end of year exams during year 5 at Hogwarts.

We had some free time, and most students had decided to go to the grounds of the school to try and relax, or in Remus' case study.

Severus was ahead of us walking to the grounds, and while none of the boys had seen him, I had, we were separated by a ton of girls who were talking about going and sitting down by the Black Lake.

James, Remus, Sirius, and Peter were all talking about the exam we had just finished, mostly making fun of Peter as he had just mentioned he couldn't remember all 5 signs of a werewolf, he'd only been able to remember 3.

I, personally, chocked this up to him being nervous about exams.

The entire group sat down beside a Beech Tree on the grounds by the lake, it wasn't quite close enough to the lake to be by the beach but we could still see the lake if we wanted to.

Sev, for his part, sat next to a bunch of bushes not far away from us, completely immersed in his exam papers.

The boys were still talking about the exams, and how they think they did on them, that was until James took a Snitch out his pocket making Sirius ask where he'd gotten it from.

"I nicked it!" James said plainly, allowing the snitch to fly a short distance away before grabbing it and bring it back.

Remus pulled out a book and began reading, while Sirius just watched the students milling about on the grass.

James continued playing with the Snitch, and Peter was watching him, mouth wide open in awe, until I finally said someonthing.

"Wormtail, shut your mouth, your going to attract flies!" I laughed

This got the attention of Sirius, who looked over and burst out laughing, Peter looked embarrassed but did close his mouth.

"Didn't have to be so mean about it Kitty" He said, clearly upset by what was meant as a joke.

"Learn how to take a joke Wormtail, she didn't mean anything by it." Sirius retorted

James had snickered at my comment but continued playing with the Snitch he had stolen, and Remus just ignored all of us.

"Prongs, put that away, will you? Before Wormtail pisses his pants from excitement?" Sirius said looking at James.

"Fine, if it bothers you that much." James replied, finally putting the Snitch back in his pocket.

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