Chapter 13: A Group Betrayed

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Everything seemed to go back to normal for more than 7 more months.

We had Harry's birthday party, which went off without a hitch.

Sirius, Remus, and I got him a little toy broomstick, and even though it only goes a couple feet off the ground Harry loves it.

Lily says he scares their cat with it.

Then in mid August I got a letter from someone I hadn't spoken to in years.... Severus.

I didn't know whether I should read the letter or not.

I knew I couldn't tell Sirius or Remus, they'd just laugh it off and make some sort of joke about Sev trying to steal me away from them.

I decided I'd read it, and if it was a pointless 'Please forgive me' letter, I'd just burn it in the fireplace and that would be the end of it.


I pray to Merlin this letter doesn't get intercepted. I need to know everyone is safe, so please write me back, even if it's just the once.

I knew this isn't going to be much of a surprise to you, but I joined Voldemorts' ranks soon after graduating Hogwarts.

I've been as loyal to him as I can be, but something happened recently that's changed my allegiance.

I heard Dumbledore interviewing Sybil Trelawney for the Divination position that was open at the school. He didn't seem to believe she'd inherited her grandmother's gift until she told him the prophecy.

'The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies'

I was unaware of Lily's pregnancy at the time of this, and informed the Dark Lord of the part of the prophecy I'd heard.

Once I realized my mistake, I went to Dumbledore immediately. I asked him to hide her, protect her.

He insisted that the prophecy spoke of only the boy, but the dark lord thinks it's her son.....

Dumbledore told me I was being selfish to ask for protection for Lily alone after I informed him that the dark lord thought the prophecy was about the Potter boy.

However I want her to be happy..... Even if that means not being involved in her life anymore.

I offered him ANYTHING to protect them, all of them.

He's asked me to be a double agent of sorts, continuing to work under the Dark Lord while giving Dumbledore the information.

I've agreed to this in exchange for their protection.

I've also excepted a position as Potions Master at Hogwarts as a cover story for why I'm around Albus so much.

I write to you, Y/N, in hopes that you'll make sure that Lily remains safe. I know that neither of you owes me anything, I've ruined any chance of redeeming our friendship long ago and I've come to terms with this.

However I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something were to happen to her.

I confided in you during our 2nd year that I was in love with her, and that feeling hasn't changed. I just hope this reaches you in time for you to be able to protect them as well.

I'm sorry..... For everything,


Be careful who you trust within the ranks of the Order..... Even some of your closest friends should not be trusted in these times.

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