Chapter 8: An Unexpected Surprise

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Skip ahead a few months later, now early 1980, and everything in our relationship was absolutely perfect!

Lily had just sent me an owl asking me to come over.

I didn't know what it was about but the letter worried me:


I know this request sounds sudden but I need to talk to you..... IMMEDIATELY!

PLEASE come over as soon as you get this letter, it's really important and I need your help!


Thank you in advance, you're an amazing friend!


I got this letter on a weekend, which meant that Remus didn't have any work.

It was also 'Boys Night', which meant James was over at our apartment, they have these about once every other month.

I grabbed my winter jacket, my purse, and put on my winter boots, it was January and I don't particularly like the thought of freezing to death.

Even though she lived right down the road, I wasn't gonna just run out of the apartment without these things.

I also shoved the letter in my purse, I wasn't going to let them ruin whatever it was she was doing or planning.

As I was walking out the door, I heard Sirius and Remus yelling from the living room in unison.

"Where are you going?" They asked

"It's freezing outside Kitty, you know that right?" James added

I walked into the living room

"I know that Prongs, that's why I'm wearing boots and a jacket." I said pointing to my feet.

"I'm guessing this has to do with whatever letter the owl brought a few minutes ago?" Remus asked.

They weren't trying to pry, they were just curious.

"Yes, I'm going to see Lily, she said she needs help with something"

James, who'd started a conversation with Sirius while I was talking to Remus, turned to look at me when I mentioned his wife.

"She needs help? And she didn't ask me?" he asked, he seemed to doubt that it was actually from her.

"I don't know Prongs, maybe she needs me to buy tampons! Don't ask questions!" I was really trying to make it so he wouldn't follow me.

He put his hands up, backing down

"OK, if that's the case I'm not getting involved"

"That's fine, I'll go down and help her. That's probably why she asked me and not you."

All three of them shrugged going back to their conversation, while I headed down the road.

When I got there, I just walked in, she'd asked me to come over, I didn't see a need to knock.

She was sitting at the kitchen table, with a cup of tea in her hands, shaking like a leaf, which worried me.

"Oh my god Lils, what's wrong?" I asked, reaching for her hand, which she gladly gave to me.

She looked up at me, worry and fear plastered on her face, which just worried me more.

"Kitty, I went to St Mungo's earlier today. I wasn't feeling good and I've been sick the past couple weeks, James thinks I just have the flu but I wasn't so sure." She started crying at this point.

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