Chapter 15: Advice From An Old Friend

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I casually walked into the spare bedroom, this wasn't unusual at the moment as my one condition of coming back was that I refused to sleep in the same bed as Sirius until he stopped ignoring me.

Which, while unfair to Remus, it seemed to be ok with him.

I locked the door, making sure I had the spare key in the nightstand, then I opened the letter from Sev....


I'm glad to hear that Lily is safe, you're right though..... I don't care about Potter.

I wish I could say that I'm happy the baby has Lily's eyes but from your lack of further description I'm assuming he looks much like his father aside from that.

As for Sirius, I did tell you he was odd..... I really don't know what you expected but I'll try to help....

I can assure you that if Lily is in fact telling you that Sirius isn't planning on ending your relationship, it's because she knows something you don't.

If she's hiding something from you, it's either for your own good or because she's been asked not to say anything.

The fact that everyone knows what's happening, except for you, leads me to believe that whatever is happening actually involves ONLY you and Sirius.

Though I do find it odd that Potter stated 'He's taking this too far', they typically agree on everything.

I wouldn't suggest Veritaserum unless you'd like to ACTUALLY ruin your relationship..... I would however recommend using the spell "Accio" if you'd like to find out what he's planning.

It's also not fair to Remus to have him running back and forth between you and Black like some sort of human sized messenger pigeon, though I don't hate the image of that.

I'd suggest sitting Sirius down and telling him how you feel.

I have an idea as to what he's planning but I can tell you that he's going about it in the wrong way, and in my opinion he's a moron.

I won't however ruin any sort of plan he may have by telling you, in case I'm correct in my assumption.

Hopefully the spell helps......

Best of Luck,


Of course, Sev is just as cryptic as ever...... 'Accio' what exactly?

I'd need to know what I'm looking for before I summon it, I can't very well say 'Accio Secret'.....

That's not going to work.

While I was rereading the letter and wondering whether or not I should write him back, I heard Remus walking down the hall.

This room was meant to be his work office, and now it was my makeshift bedroom.

"Doll, let me in...."

"Go away please, I'm busy." I hated asking him to go away, he hadn't done anything wrong, but I didn't want him to see the letter from Sev

I heard him sigh, the next thing I heard was "Alohomora".....


As he opened the door I scrambled to hide the letter.


He knew as soon as he saw me that I was hiding something.

"You're as bad at hiding things as Sirius is.... Give whatever it is here" he said, holding out his hand, to which I shook my head no.

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