Chapter 2: A Mystery Solved

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Everything changed in June of 1976, and unfortunately for Lily and I, it wasn't for the better.

I'm getting ahead of myself though, as the school year of 1976 wasn't all bad.

That was also the year James, Sirius, Peter, and I finally got the spell right and became animagi!

It was also the summer we all got our nicknames.

I suppose I should describe my friends for you, so you're not completely in the dark as to what they all look like, as well as tell you what on earth an animagus is.

First I'll describe the boys:

We'll start with James, James is around 5'8" and is pretty muscular, he's a Chaser on the Gryffindor quiddich team, so he has to be. He has black hair and hazel eye. He also wears glasses. All the girls in school fawned over him, especially after games. I never really saw the appeal though, he's just not personally my type. Sirius seems to love that about me for some reason.

Next is Peter, he has brown hair, is a little shorter than James, and has blue eyes. I'll be honest, he's not very appealing to me. He never really seems to want anything to do with girls, or boys for that matter. I think he'd be too shy to ask anyone out anyway, even if he did find them attractive. Peter's shyer than I am, which is impressive.

Sirius is taller than both James and Peter, but not by much. He's only about 5'9". He has medium length wavy black hair and grey eye that a girl could get lost in for days. I know this personally as I've done it. Girls have always thrown themselves at Sirius, I can't really say I blame them. He always did use this to his advantage though. He was always a playboy during our Hogwarts days before we started dating, and he loved the attention.

Remus is the tallest of all of us, he's 6'2"! He has light brown hair, his eyes are this really unique amber color, it's somewhere between hazel and light brown. He also has a lot of scars, the most noticeable one for most people is on his face. I'll get into his other scars later, as you can't really see them if he's wearing clothes.

I'll describe Lily too.

Lily is absolutely beautiful. She has long thick dark red hair, and breathtaking bright green eyes. I see why James and Severus both fell in love with her. She's amazing! She's kindhearted, understanding, and loyal to a fault.

That was the biggest problem that summer, her loyalty to friendships that clearly weren't meant to be.

Now, you're probably thinking 'OK Kitty! I don't care what they all look like, what in the world is an animagus!', and I'm going to answer that question for you right now.

An animagus is a witch or wizard who can change into an animal at will, you don't get to pick the animal though.

You'll understand that more after I explain the process of becoming one:

First: You need to know A LOT about potions and transfiguration. If you don't, you don't stand a chance of finishing the process correctly.

Second: You have to put one mandrake leaf in your mouth. You can't take this leaf out, no matter what, for an entire month. You have to start at the full moon, and end on the full moon. If you take the leaf out at ANY point, you have to start the entire process over again!

Third: You're going to need a small crystal vial that receives the pure rays of the moon, you put your mandrake leaf inside, and add one of your own hairs

Fourth: You need to find a silver teaspoon worth of dew, that neither sunlight or human feet have touched for an entire week

Fifth: You have to find the chrysalis of a Death's Head Hawk Moth and add it to the crystal vial

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