Chapter 6: Sharing Is Caring •

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Remus had been in the apartment for all of, maybe, 10 minutes at this point and Sirius was starting to fidget on the couch.

He was getting more nervous with every second that went by.

Finally someone said something!

"So, how's the relationship going?" Remus asked

I had to cover my mouth in an effort not to smile or start laughing.

He already knew the answer to this question but was testing to see if Sirius would be honest about it, Sirius still didn't know that I knew he'd talked to Remus about our sex life last week.

We both looked at Sirius expectantly.

"Ummmmm" he really was at a loss for words.

"Sirius, I already know about your conversation with him, stop stalling." I said

"I'm not stalling! I'm nervous! What in gods name is going on?!?!?!?" Sirius was clearly confused and starting to get irritated.

I looked at Remus, it wasn't my place to say anything.

He had to come out to Sirius when he felt he was comfortable, if he'd changed his mind that was fine.

I wasn't going to pressure him into something he wasn't ready for but someone had to say something..... even if it was a lie.

"Well....." Remus was struggling, he didn't know how to say what he wanted to and he was stating to get frustrated.

"Moony, take your time, you don't have to rush into this" I said looking at him sympathetically.

"Kitty came to my house this morning asking me if I'd be interested in a.... 'proposition', I believe is the word she used." Remus said, looking at Sirius.

"What kind of proposition?" Sirius asked, he was either so nervous he couldn't think or he was playing dumb, and knowing Sirius it could honestly be either.

Remus looked at him dumbfounded, then looked at me.

"You really didn't tell him did you?" He smirked, but was still somehow surprised.

I don't know why he was shocked, I'd promised him I wouldn't.

"I told you I wouldn't tell anyone Moony, that includes Sirius. I kept my word, it's not my place to tell people that." I responded

"Well, I appreciate that Kitty, really." He said smiling.

Sirius looked back and forth between Remus and I, not knowing what we were talking about but trying his hardest to be patient.

Remus took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down even just slightly.

Then he just blurted it out.... no easing into it, not wanting to lose any sort of confidence he might have found.

"Sirius, I'm bisexual" Remus said, it came out more as a whisper more than anything else but Sirius and I both heard him.

Sirius sat on the couch, slack jawed, looking between Remus and I.

"Sirius, please say something!" Remus was starting to get nervous again, even though we both knew Sirius wouldn't judge him for it.

Sirius mouth was moving but nothing would come out, he just kept looking back and forth between us.

After a few minutes Sirius collected himself, clearing his throat and looking directly at me.

"And you knew about this?" Sirius asked

"Yes...... it wasn't my place to tell you something like that Sirius. When he told me he said he'd tell everyone when he felt ready, I have no say in when he's ready to tell people." I said

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