(3) Labor Day BBQ & Big Announcements

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A year later,

It was labor day weekend, everyone was gathered at the Rogers farm, that worked at the firehouse, police station and the wives that are part of the nursing staff. 

As everyone was slowly making their way, to the dessert table after all the delicious food that Joe and James grilled up. 

Steve clinked a kniffe against his dad's beer bottle. 

"Us three have an announcement." Steve said as Bucky and Sam stood beside him. 

"We have chosen to follow in our dad's foot steps, as of two weeks ago we enlisted. So this is our last year playing football." Sam said 

Everyone clapped and cheered for them, some of the other off springs of fire fighters that were there said they had enlisted too. 

Bucky seen Izzy's face "What?" He mouthed

"Nothing." She mouthed with a fake smile. 

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