(42) Twins!!

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Four months later 

"Mama Izzy is sick daddy" Hensley said as she woke up her dad.

"What baby.." he said as he opened one eye.

"Mama Izzy is sick, she keeps having to stop making breakfast to get sick." Hadley said 

Bucky told the girls to go back downstairs, and he slipped on his shorts. He headed down the stairs. 

He leaned against the door frame, "You could of woke me to help." He said 

"You were working all night, putting out a building fire." She said as she sat against the wall. 

"And? You needed help." He said as he got a cool rag.

He wiped her face, "After breakfast we are going to the doctor. We already know the pee stick was a faint positive. But you shouldn't be this sick." He said 

He carried her upstairs and let her rest, he finished breakfast for the girls. He dropped them off with his parents. He came back and helped her get ready and they went to the doctor. 

Dr Colyer came in "okay a faint positive home test three days ago, the one we just adminstered id a brighter blue. So lets see what we have, morning sickness is a sign of pregnancy. But not to the point of dehyration.." she said as she got the ultrasound ready. 

She turned off the lights and began to do the ultrasound. 

"Ah, generally in multiple pregnancy the symptoms are more intense." She said 

"Multiple?" Bucky said 

Dr Colyer turned the screen towards them, "You're having twins." She said 

"Say what?" Izzy said as she saw the two sacs. 

Bucky's eyes rolled and he hit the floor. "Daddy down! We got a daddy down.." Dr Colyer said 

A group of nurses came in and helped him up. 


Seven months later,

"Okay Mrs Barnes, lets have us some baby boys." Dr Colyer said 

She began to perform the c section, at 1:05 PM their first son was born, and at 1:08 PM their second son was born.

After she was moved to the maternity floor, she had them laying on her chest. She kissed the top of their heads. 

"Welcome to the world Bryer James and James Buchanan IV." She said as Bucky lead everyone in.

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