(28) Another Date

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A month later,

"Where is Jax? He's on the schedule for tonight." Bucky said 

"Oh we switched shifts, he has a date with a Izzy." Lincoln said 

Jaxson had just picked up Izzy, he took her to Asheville for a fancy dinner date. They flirted, he fed her. They came back to her place for a few drinks and steamy make out session they led them upstairs. 

"Oh Jax.." she said as he had her against the hall wall. 

"Yeah..oh Izzy come for me again.." he said as he got faster. 

"Yes! Right there!" She said as her toes curled and her mouth fell open.

"Ah! Izzy! Fuck!" Jax screamed out as she clenched around 

They moved to her bedroom, and he lifted one of her legs and started to thrusting into her. 

"Mmmm yeah, don't stop.." she cried out 

They climaxed together within a few minutes, but they had several more rounds before they fell asleep. 

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