(24) Looking For Isabella Rogers?

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Six months later

Bucky and Steve were working on the front porch of the house that is suppose to be Izzy's. They heard gravel crunching and looked up. 

"That's not Izzy's car." Bucky said as they both stood up. 

A blonde woman and a tall dark hair man stepped out of the Tahoe. 

"Hi, can I help you?" Steve said 

"We are looking for Isabella Rogers. Do you know where we can find her?" The woman said 

"I'm her brother Steve. She isn't home right now, is there a reason why you are looking for her." He said 

"We are sorry, I'm Elaine and this is my husband Micah we adopted her little girl about 13 years ago.." Elaine said 

Bucky looked up, "Hi, I'm James Barnes, while Steve goes and gets ahold of her why don't we go inside." Bucky said 

"You are the biological father, I recongize your name from the birth certificate. Well this is great we may need you too." She said 

Izzy drove up quickly as she could. The next morning the couple came back out to the house where they had breakfast with Izzy and Bucky. As they explained that their daughter was at Duke University Hospital, she was in her brother's car when they had car accident. And they weren't match for a blood transfusion. 

Izzy and Bucky agreed to go and see if they could help. Instead of causing a scene Izzy rode with Bucky. But the whole day she could tell that something had him peeved.

"Thank you both so much for helping, James you were the match." Elaine said 

Bucky just walked off, "You're welcome Elaine." Izzy said 

When they arrived back in Lake Lure, "What is it?" She said as they pulled in her driveway.

"Nothing.." he said 

"No its something, your jaw has been clenched all day like your daddy's when he is pissed." She said as she got out of his truck.

He followed her inside. "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't give her up." He said 

"Excuse me?" She said 

"She would have been here Izzy! With her family!" He snapped 

"Oh I'm sorry, you weren't here!" She yelled 

"Because you didn't even bother to tell me! You made a choice-" he yelled but she cut him off.

"Yes I made that choice on my own! Because you left me!" She yelled but he cut her off 

"Because it didn't fit the narrative of your dream world in your head!" He yelled 

"You asshole!" She yelled as she smacked him hard across the face just as Steve and Nat walked in. 

"Izzy!" Steve said 

She took a step back, and took a deep breathe, "All I wanted and needed was for you to love back James." She said as she wiped tears and walked away. 

By the next morning she was gone again. 

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