(25) Izzy Comes Home

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A year later, 

Izzy came in from work, as she threw her keys on her coffee table. She checked her phone for any voicemails. She also opened up her laptop to check her emails. 

As she was listening to a voicemail, she saw that a hospital back home had seen her resume onlime. She had been trying to get moved up north now that she was working APRN. She had her masters and bachelors in nursing. 

She didn't want to go back to Lake Lure, but something told her she needed to go home. She put in her notice, and got all of her arrangements made. 

Two weeks later, she had all of her stuff in a PODs container, while she stayed in Asheville NC at a hotel. It was close to Lake Lure and kept her from seeing anyone outside of the hospital. While she was working up on the CCU floor. 

Steve was there visiting, a fellow firefighter who was critical after a bad call. 

"Izzy?" He said 

She jumped, "Steve?" She whispered 

"How long have you been back in town?" He said 

"A few days.." she said 

"Where have you been staying? Cause it's not been at your house." He said 

"At hotel in the town over.." she said 

"Izzy the house reno is done." He said 

"I know..I just he's across the street at his parents land..I really don't want to see him." She said 

"I'll do my best Izzy to make him understand but Bucky is stubborn and he isn't going to like it. You know he is.." Steve said 

"Yeah.." she said in a low tone. 

When it got dark, Steve and Sam helped Izzy get moved into the house. Bucky saw the house from his and saw it was lit up. 

"What the hell?" He said as he sipped a beer. 

The next morning at the station, "Did Izzy come home? I saw all the lights on." Bucky said as he came into Steve's office. 

"Yes. But she doesn't want to see you." Steve said 

Bucky looked at him, "Buck please respect her wishes." Steve said as Bucky got up and walked out. 

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