(34) A Night of Terror

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1 month later,

Izzy: Hey girls, I'm gonna shower and change then I'll be over."

Sydney Barnes: "Sounds good!"

Brooke: "Can't wait for our girls night."

Izzy pulled into her driveway, and stepped out of her car. She and the girls continue to text as she walked to her door. It was dark so she didn't have any lights on. She had a small struggle when the key hole.

When she felt a gun being pressed against her back and a hand reach over her mouth.

"Don't scream Izzy..do you hear me?" 

It was Chase, he always sent her letters from prison saying he would come find her once he got out. She quickly texted 911 in her scrub pocket to the girls and hit record. They went inside as she cried.

She hit car alarm panic button on her key ring. 

"You bitch.." he said as he smacked her and threw her keys. 

She tried to get away, and run to her back door. But he caught her arm and she felt hit snap as she let out a loud scream. 

"We were suppose to be together forever baby.." he said as she struggled to get away again. 

Outside Sydney and Brooke pulled in, and they heard a gunshot..

"The boys..they are at Steve's.." Brooke said as they jumped back in the car. 

They pulled into the driveway and went up past her house and up to Steve's. They went running in

"STEVE! BUCKY!!" Brooke yelled 

"Brooke?" Steve said 

"Something is wrong? Izzy Izzy needs help! There was screaming and a gun shot..." Brooke said 

Nat killed the music, they all heard her car alarm and another gun shot. All the guys went runnimg out the door.

Sam Pietro and Scott picked the back door while holding their off duty guns, and they quietly snuck in. While Clint and Thorton stayed with Bucky and Steve out front.  They could hear Izzy gasping for air.

"We were suppose to start our family baby.." he said as he finished in her. 

"Drop your weapon.." Sam said 

Chase fixed his pants and turned his gun on them. "Go ahead, and we will add shooting a officer." Sam said as they flashed badges. 

Chase didn't believe them, and went to pull the trigger. Sam popped three bullets into him and he fell to the ground. 

"We are all secure.." Sam yelled 

Steve and Bucky came running in, they ran to Izzy. 

"Izzy..wake up.." Bucky said as he ripped opened her shirt. 

"No no..Izzy come on." Steve said 

She had one in her stomach and one close to her chest. Sam brought them all her dish towels to help put pressure on the wounds. 

"She's fading fast we don't have time.." Bucky said 

Steve found her keys, "You got her.." Steve said 

"Yes.." he said

He carried her out to the car and held her close as Steve drove. 

"Stay with me Izzy..fight it honey bear. You can't leave us.." he said as tears fell.

Sydney's sister met them with a gurney at the ER door, Sam's mom took over Izzy. 

They rushed her to a OR, and Steve and Bucky sat down. Both of them in tears covered in blood.

Nat and Caroline came in, they gave them clothes. Bucky just sat there frozen in shock.

All he heard in his head was "I love you, we can be together now, I'm going to Duke I'll be here when you get back, I'll wait for you.." 

He had blurred out Caroline trying to get him to go home and shower. Until he couldn't tune her out.

"Caroline! Please just shut up..I am not leaving. You can go if you want.." he snapped as James and Bucky's brother Nolan came in.

"Nolan take your brother to get some air.." James said 

"But dad..I just.." Bucky said 

"You need air..go." James said 

Bucky left with Nolan to get some air. 

Three hours later,

Audrey Wilson came out, 

"Steve." She said 

He looked up, "She's recovery, she has a long list of injuries. A concussion, a broken arm two gun shot wounds. Bruises, she's very lucky. But for now we put her in a medically induced coma to help her body heal." She said 

"Thank you Audrey." Nat said as she hugged Steve. 

"She's on the CCU floor." A nurse said 

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