(14) Oopsie

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Eight months later,

"Hey Caroline, you alright baby?" Bucky said as he woke up to her puking.

"No, I think I had to much to drink last night." She said as he held her hair back.

Once she was done they went out for breakfast, for the next several days she was sick. She finally broke down and took a pregnancy test. 

"Baby you here?" Bucky said as he came in from work. 

"Yeah.." she said as she went downstairs. 

"I got chinese on my way after you said you would meet me here." He said 

"Buck how do you feel babies?" She said 

"I love babies, I have always wanted a big family like my parents. Why are you asking?" He said 

"Because I'm pregnant.." she said 

"Oh..we are having a baby. Oh my god that's great!" He said as he kissed her. 

"Yeah?" She said 

"Yeah, because I love you. And I was waiting for the right time to do this.." he said as he went into his bedroom. He came back out with ring box.

"Marry Me Caroline." He said as he got on one knee. 

She smiled at him, "Yes." She said 

They were both smiling and kissing. 

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