(5) The Funeral

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Four days later,

Bucky stood in between Izzy and Steve at the funeral, he held Izzy's hand loosely. The minister said a few words. 

James stepped up in his firefighter dress blues, he laid his hat on the bull pit. He gave an eulogy, as did Sam's dad Paul who was in his police officer blues. 

Bucky also spoke at the funeral, after the service Winnie and Darlene Wilson took over aa host for Sarah, everyone was at the Rogers household. They were eating, and talking about all the great memories. 

Bucky had looked all over for Izzy, she wasn't even in her hammock. He found her in the old barn where they use to play music.

"Isabella Presley.." he said when he saw her drinking whiskey. 

"Don't act like that, you and Steve drink all the time." She said 

He poured him a glass, "Your speech was lovely Buck." She said as he took a sip.

"Let's play pool and drink a little. This way you aren't alone." He said 

"Okay." She said 

They began to set up the game and play each other. Bucky decided to make it a game, and they took a shot everytime they got a ball in.

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