(4) Bad News

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Nine months later, 

It was two weeks before the boys were due to leave for basic, Joe and James had been called to the firehouse to assist with a building fire. 

A apartment building caught fire, after a drug lab blew. Joe went in with his rig crew to make sure they had cleared all survivors. 

"How's it looking Rogers?" James said into the radio.

"We are clear of any survivors..we got everyone out." Joe said 

"Well then get out.." James said 

"Roger that." Joe said 

Joe and his crew began to make their way down, when they got to the second floor the saw the bottom stair well was engulfed. 

"Barnes, we need another way the stair well is engulfed." He said as they went to the second floor hall. 

"Get me a map!" James yelled 

As they began to walk the hall, they found a weak spot in the floor. The weight of all of them caused it to give out. 

"Barnes.....Can you...hear we ...fe-..send help." Joe said 

"What? You are breaking out?" James said 

"First floor...the floor gave out...I'm trapped...low on..." Joe said as he cut out again.

"ROGERS!!!" James yelled into the radio 

"Tell Sarah...the kids...I love them..Take care of...them.." Joe said as the radio cut out again.

James started barking orders,  he kept trying to get Joe back on the radio.

When they finally got the fire out, James found him and the others under rubble and saw that a large beam had fallen on them. 

"Should I call Sarah.." one of the guys said 

"No..I've got that one." James said 

James left, and headed back home, he pulled into the Rogers driveway he was covered in soot, sweat and still had his overalls on. 

Sarah met him on the porch, "James? Where's Joe?" She said 

"Sarah I'm sorry.." he said as he climbed the front steps.

Steve and Izzy stepped out, he hugged all three of them. "I'm so sorry." He said as he cried 

They all three fell apart in his arms.

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