Abuse and Silent Tears

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I woke up to the smell of eggs and smiled. I then opened my eyes and remembering where I was. My smile disappeared. It had been about a week and a half since I was taken. I noticed I felt a lot better. The pain was at a minimum now. I decided I had to use the bathroom so I got up and walked to the door. I knocked on it hoping it would be Jace that came again because he seems like the only person that is nice. I heard footsteps and then the door opened. I took a step back and looked to see who it was. It was Jace. Inside I sighed in relief while on the outside I just stood there. "What?" I looked down. "I need to use the restroom" He looked down the hall and nodded. " Ok come on" He grabbed my arm gently and walked me down to the bathroom. I walked in and did my business and stood there staring at the mirror. 

My hair was dirty and knotted. My face had bruises, some newer ones from Tony and dirt all over it. I lifted my shirt and saw the cuts and scrapes from when I was tackled in the woods. They were healing so that made me feel a bit better. I looked at my clothes and frowned. Just as I put my shirt down Jace opened the door. He noticed my shirt fall. "sorry......I just had to make sure you didn't try to run." He looked at me in the eyes and looked away. Tony walked up behind him. "everything ok?" He nodded and Tony looked at me while smirking. "Boss wants us all out there so put her back." 

Jace walked me back to the room and shut the door leaving me there. I put my ear to the door and tried to listen to what they were saying. "So today is the 10th day since we took Miah right?" I heard the boss ask. "Yes sir it is. I saw on the news that they have been looking all over the state and her old adopted parents house." Nate said. "Well soon we will get rid of her." "Sir why are we doing this. This could get us prison time. She already lost like 20 pounds from not eating. You are letting her suffer because of someone she has known for what... less than 4 days. She doesn't even know the family yet." I heard Jace say with a sense of anger in his voice.  "So you are sticking up for her life Jace?" The boss said. "No im just saying its cruel." His voice sounded lighter. "Oh its cruel huh. Fine she is your responsibility this week with Tony."

I heard Tony laugh. "Yea he wants things done differently let him see how she is for this week." Jace sighed "But sir...I have to go to..." The boss interrupted.  "Nope you will stay here while Nate, Mike, and I head to Florida for a week. And for you two go pack we have business to do."  I heard footsteps go down the hall. I decided to stay at the door. About an hour after they talked I heard the boss call Mike and Nate. I heard talking but couldn't make out what they were saying. The sound of the door shutting was when I knew they left. I walked over to the mirror in the room and looked at myself. Just then the door to the room opened. 

"Hey ugly." I turned and saw Tony. I blankly stared at him. He walked closer and shoved me. "I was talking to you." I hit the wall and he smirked. He walked closer to me  and grabbed my shirt bringing my face closer to his. "Now...lets try this again. Hey ugly." I didn't say anything to him again which got him even more mad. He hit grabbed my hair and threw me to the ground.  I lay there for a second then I saw the door open. I looked up at him and he kicked me back over. When I got the chance I kicked his leg which made him fall then got up and ran towards the door. I made it out of the room and to the living room when I ran into Jace's arms. He held me for a moment and looked at my face which I didn't even notice till I looked at my hand and saw blood. My nose was gushing blood. Then I heard Tony run out.

Jace pulled me behind him. "Where is she!" He yelled then looked at Jace and then at me. "Give her here!" Jace stood his ground. "No. What the hell did you do to her!" They were both furious. Tony glared at Jace and Jace glared right back. "She is a useless. worthless girl who doesn't deserve to be treated right. Obviously nobody cares about her. Her parents didn't even want her!" that felt like a blow to the stomach. Tears formed in my eyes. Tony stomped out the front door and I heard a car start and speed off. 

Jace turned towards me. Tears were already falling down my face. He gently grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bathroom. I was motioned to sit on the edge of the bathtub and he grabbed a cloth. I watched as he got it wet from the tap water, the water steaming as it poured from the sink.  He walked over and slowly brought it to my face. I backed off and he looked at me in the eyes. "I wont hurt you". I nodded and looked at his face and his blonde hair getting in the way. He wiped off the blood from my face and then stopped. Once again he grabbed my hand and pulled me past the room I've been put in and to another one. He rushed to a dresser and pulled out pajama pants a tee-shirt. "Here now try to take a quick shower before he gets back." I took the clothes and walked to the bathroom. 
When I was done I got out of the shower and quickly dried off. I looked at my stomach, my ribs starting to show and saw the wounds were just memorable scars. I sighed and put on the clothes Jace gave me. I laughed as the pants didn't fit. I rolled the top multiple times and they finally stayed on my body.  I walked out and looked at Jace standing in the hall still. "Do you...ummm....have a brush?" he nodded and walked into the bathroom pulling one out of the drawer under the sink. I smiled and thanked him then walking over to the fogged mirror wiping it before I brushed through my hair. I smiled at myself in the mirror. I forgot Jace was standing there but when he laughed I looked over and quickly looked away.

"Oh yeah by the way...I found your phone" I looked up. In Jace's hand was my phone that I forgot about when I put in under the dresser to hide. I looked at him and then looked down. "I found it when I noticed a light under the dresser. I grabbed it and it was someone calling non stop. Someone named Jai?" I looked at him again. He looked away and sighed. "You should probably go back the the room. Tony will be back soon and you don't want to be out when he gets here. Ill bring you something to eat in a minute." I nodded and he walked me to the room locking the door behind him when he walked out. I decided to just sit on the bed and wait. Not like there is anything else for me to do. It only took him about 15 minutes before he came back in. "I hope this is ok." He had two grilled cheeses and a glass of water. I nodded. He handed me the plate and glass. I began to eat and the warmth of the sandwich made my mouth water. I haven't eaten in 4 days so I was starving. 

I ate all of the food and drank most of my water. When I was done I decided I should probably go to bed. Jace had taken my dishes and had shut off all the lights so I figured he went to bed. I lay on "my" bed and face the ceiling. I thought about how worried everyone probably was and how I am going to die eventually because those guys want me dead. Its not like its the first time I've been told I was gonna die so im use to it already. Time after time I've been so close to death and its finally gonna come. I wouldn't mind dying in place of Owen, Matt, or Paisley. They have their family. I have absolutely nobody. I stopped at that thought. Wait I do have somebody! I have my "new" family, George, Jamie, Owen, Matt, Paisley, and Daisy, then I have Jai, and all the people who accepted me at my old school and new one. They all liked me for me and I never thought about that until now, knowing I am gonna die while being loved by others makes it so much more worth it!

Just then my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door. Not the front door but my door. I looked over and it was a dark figure. I sat up quickly but they came closer and I noticed who they were. It was Tony. He got close me my face and grabbed my wrists and held them down he kissed my neck and the smell of alcohol filled within my nose. He was drunk. He got onto the bed and pinned me down. I went to scream but he covered my mouth. There was nothing I could do. I was trapped and felt alone. Jace couldnt hear me and all the memories of abuse came to mind which made the silent tears fall once again.

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