Back to hell

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**Picture is Zeke***

"Miah...wake up or I'll jump on your bed." I slowly opened my eyes and saw Paisley. "Come on sleepy head. Time for school. Also Zoella was crying so I changed her and put her back in the bassinet." I sat up. "I didn't even hear her!" She smiled at me. "Its ok. Yasmine woke up early this morning so I was awake. I nodded and looked at Paisley. "I might see if I can drop that class." She shook her head. "Nooo you cant leave me alone" I smiled at her. "I wont be able to focus in there especially since this now." I pointed to my stomach which had a small visible bump that I didn't notice till now. She smiled and nodded. "Yea I understand." She sat on the bed and looked at me. "Well we got to go to school...Mom said if you are not ready then you dont have to go.." Her voice silent and understanding. "I think I will be ok. If not Ill call home ok?" She nodded and walked out of my room so I could get ready.

I walked to my closet and grabbed a long-sleeved dark green shirt, skinny jeans and a black beanie. I changed and looked into the mirror I half smiled to myself and then decided against the beanie. I sprayed perfume on and grabbed my phone checking my messages. I had two. One from Paisley and the other from Zeke. I smiled and checked them.
@ PAISLEY- Try to hurry we have to leave by 7:45 (:
@ ZEKE- Hey Miya wanna chill at lunch today we missed you and we heard you are coming back today, if you need anything let me know!

I didn't respond and went downstairs with Daisy by my side. "Morning" I said quietly to everyone. They all said morning or waved and what not and I turned to Jamie. "Jamie, can I talk to you?" She nodded and walked with me to the game room. "Whats up Miah?" "I um was wondering if you could set me up with a doctor...I'm going to need to go to appointments now and I was also wanting to drop my parenting class...I feel like its going to cause too many memories right now..." I looked down. "of course I can Miah. And just ask the office if they need me I can go to the school sometime and explain, im sure they will understand." I smiled. "Thanks Jamie." She shook her head and hugged me. "well you should get going" I agreed and followed her to the living-room where everybody was watching the news, and my picture was on the screen...

"Miah West was recently found. From kidnappers, Dave Handdi, Nathan Robinson, Mike Stanley, and Tony Kirkland. They are faced with multiple kidnap charges, armed robbery, attempted murder and murder. The case will be held in a future date and more news to come. But now back to Amy with the weather..." They shut off the TV and I closed my eyes. I let tears escape my eyes and I slid down the wall. "Oh hun its ok! They are in prison." George got up from the couch and helped me up. He hugged me and I shook my head "But I have to go to court with them there..." He sighed. "and they wont win ok. I promise." I nodded believing him. He wiped my tears and looked at me. "You sure youre ready to go back to school you can wait some days." I shook my head. "No Its ok." He let me go and I walked over to the kitchen, grabbed two pieces of toast and my bag before walking out to the garage knowing they all watched me leave.

Owen, Matt and Paisley walked out soon after and we all got into Matt's car. I decided to sit in the back and just look out the window. After the car ride there Matt pulled into the parking lot and I instantly didn't want to go anymore. I watched as they all got out and then Owen turned to me from outside. "You ok Miah?" I shook my head and opened my door slowly. "Ill catch up with you guys later." He looked at me for a second as if asking if I was sure. I nodded again and they walked off to their friends. We still had 10 minutes to spare before the warning bell so I decided to stay by the car. 

I pulled out my phone and got to Zeke's message. 
@ MIAH- Hey are you at school yet?
@ ZEKE- Sadly, yes
@ MIAH- Come over to the parking lot...
@ ZEKE- On my way beautiful

I smiled at his last text and he was jogging over less than a minute later. "Whats wrong?" He got close to me and pulled me into a hug, which I did not see coming. "Im scared.." He looked me in the eyes "Dont be. Ill protect you." I nodded. I followed behind him and we walked up to the front of the school. Once we got to the front doors we slowly walked to the office in silence as people stared at me. I stepped inside and the principle looked at me. "Hey Miah! Youre back!" I nodded and looked at Zeke then him. "Yea. May I talk to you?" he looked at me and nodded. He motioned to his office and I looked at Zeke. "Ill be right back". He simply smiled and sat in a chair. "Ill be here." 

I walked inside his office and he sat at his desk. I sat in the tan chair and he was looking at me to start talking. "Ok....umm...I.. was wondering if there is any way I could... drop that parenting class..." I looked down and was freaking out inside. "I can see what I can do...Why would you want to drop it?" I froze. I knew I would cry if I told him. "I...have some problems......and I dont feel comfortable doing it now." He nodded and he had a sad look. I could tell he knew now. "Yea your schedule is Art, Chemistry, Geometry, World History, English, Parenting, and then Study Hall. We can take out parenting and put in Art2 if you would like or....teachers aid." I thought about it for moment and looked at him. "What do you do in teachers aid?" He thought for a moment and started to explain. "Well when you are a teachers aid you have to sit in their class and help them with what they need. Like get copies or write documents that are on the computer. 

I nodded and decided I wanted that one.  He smiled and looked through his classes to see who I could help. "Well you can help in Parenting, you just dont have to take the class itself you can just be a help, Or you can help in the Art room, or you can help in animal science." I smiled at my choices and looked at him. "May I choose later?" He agreed and I walked out to where Zeke was sitting. "Ready?" He asked with a small smile. I nodded and we walked out of the office. 

We had 5 minutes till the warning bell so we decided to find Nolan and the rest of the group. We found them in the cafeteria and as we walked over to the table everyone was still watching me. "Take a picture it last longer!" a yell I heard as I looked up to Nolan walking towards me. "Hey loca! Missed seeing your face around here!" Nolan said hugging me and spinning me around. I laughed as he set me down. "I missed you guys too" We sat there until the bell rang and Zeke walked me to my locker. "See you later Miah" I smiled and waved as he left. Just as I was about to shut my locker someone covered my eyes with their hands. "Guess who"

I thought for a second and took some guesses " Umm... Jazz...Kurt....ohh wait....Mitch!" He laughed and pulled his hands away. "Ready for art?" I nodded and we walked to class. "You know you missed a really boring project, lucky" I smiled "What are we doing now?" "We are in groups and we have to paint a scenery picture for the sun room." I sighed. "Hey dont worry youre in my group" Mitch said with a cheeky smile. "Thank goodness" We got into the room and told the teacher I was here and we started walking to our paper. "So whos all in our group?" I asked curiously. Without looking up he replied "Me and you." I laughed and slightly pushed his shoulder. "Ohh wow Mitch"  "Hey sorry we are the outcasts of the group" he said with a smile as he grabbed his pencil. 

We worked on our project for most of the time and we finished before anyone else with time to spare. Mitch has alot of artistic skills I noticed as we were drawing and painting. As I was doing the last touches on the paint the smell made my stomach turn. I quickly put the paintbrush down and rushed out of the room without saying anything. I ran into the bathroom and made it to the stall just in time. I sighed and sat there on the floor catching my breath when I was finished. I wiped my mouth and shook my head. "There went my breakfast." I laughed at my little joke and got up, washing my hands and rinsing my mouth out with water. When I was finished I started walking to class when I heard footsteps  behind me. I glanced back and saw Axel walking up quickly with a smirk.

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