Never ending Bullies

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I sat against my locker and tried to stop hyperventilating. Everyone had left to their last hour already. Everyone just walked past me. I couldn't understand how he knew. I always wore a jacket or hoodie and today was my first day. He couldn't know I cut. Not even my "new family" knew. The only people that knew was the doctors, and my "old family". All my "new family" know is that I got bullied and hated on. If anyone found out Id be labeled as weird or emo again. Then i'll get bullied again. I felt a tear run down my face. A student walked down the hallway. "Hey are you ok?" I looked down the hall at them. My voice caught in my throat. "My side is just in a lot of pain." She nodded "Do you need some help?" I shrugged and agreed. "She helped me up and helped me to the study hall room. She explained for me and the teacher just nodded and let me sit down and do nothing.

I looked at the clock and saw that I was out in the hall for almost the whole class. I only had like 5 minutes left. As I sat there I remembered that I had to go to the Parenting classroom after school with Paisley. I sighed to myself and pulled my phone out. I sent a text to Paisley saying that I needed her to come to the study hall room when she was done before she left to the parenting room. Soon after she sent a reply. The bell rang and I saw her walk up from the hall. "Ready?" I faked a smile. "Yeah just gotta walk a bit slower than usual." She nodded knowing already my side must have been hurting.

We got to the classroom  and the teacher was there with all of the other students standing by their partners. "Hello students nice to see all of your lovely faces" In true reality there was only like 10 groups total. I watched as Paisley walked over to her partner and I stood alone. "Okay come up in your groups and you will need to show me one of your papers. Then I will give you your parent bills and your child." I waited until last. Everyone followed her to the back room. As we walked in my jaw dropped. There was boxes that had descriptions of baby looks on them along with the age, and tons of baby supplies. 

Everyone went through and get their parent bills and babies. I walked up and she smiled at me. I handed her my paper and she nodded. She found two boxes and picked them up. She handed them to me and I carefully looked at the description. One said ' Black hair, blue eyes, newborn 1, boy.' The other said 'Black hair, brown eyes, newborn 2, girl' I smiled and then she handed me $1,200 parent bills. "The supplies is over there with the prices. Come to me when you need to check out." I nodded and walked over to Paisley. I set the boxes on the desk and walked over to the supplies. As an outcome. I had two car seats, a huge bag of diapers and wipes, two pacifiers, 4 bottles, formula, clothes and blankets and two bassinets. I walked over to the teacher and she added it all up. "That will be $800. That's some good management of money. good job Miah." I smiled and walked over to my desk and put my stuff on/next to it. 

Everyone was finished and the teacher looked at us. "Well when you get to your house it starts. You have to take the baby out. Then simply pull the small tab from the bottom of the foot. Also you will have to take them with you everywhere or get a babysitter out side school. Then it will be just like a normal infant but not actually alive. It cries, uses the bathroom, needs fed, and if you fail to do so it will die which will make a sound like its coughing and eventually stop everything. If your baby dies you fail. Simple as that." Everyone looked worried. "Well have a nice day." She left us with that and I turned to Paisley. "Ready?" She asked. I nodded and grabbed all my stuff putting it in my cart that was huge! We walked out to the parking lot. Owen and Matt were by their cars. I put my stuff in Matt's while Paisleys in Owen's. As we got home they helped us carry our stuff to our rooms. 

"Thanks Matt." I said quietly. "No problem" he said with a smile. "So how was your first day? Do you need anything?" I shook my head. "No i'm good i'm just sore right now i'm going to start this crazy stuff and lay down." Just then I heard the sound of a baby cry. Matt laughed. "Paisley started hers." I laughed also. Matt smiled and left shutting the door behind him. I grabbed the two bassinets and set them up so they have the wheels on them. I placed them in the corner of my room against the wall. I placed the car seats at the foot of my bed, I placed some clothes, the pacifiers, bottles, some diapers and wipes into a bag to use as a diaper bag. I them places the bedding and blankets into the bassinets. 

When everything was done I walked over to the boxes and opened them. I gasped. They looked so real! I pulled the tab from the feet and they started crying. I quickly picked them up and they stopped crying. I walked over to the bassinets and placed them in it. I grabbed two diapers, and clothes. I changed them and placed cute clothes on them. I saw that the eyes even blinked. Kinda creepy but cute. I watched as they fell asleep and I went and sat on my bed. I thought about it and remembered I have to come up with names for them. I lay there and thought about it for a bit and still no luck. Daisy came up to me and laid next to me. "Hi girl" I pet her head and she jumped up and licked my face. I decided she was probably hungry. I grabbed the bag of food from the closet and a bottle of water from my backpack. I filled her bowl with food and water and placed the food back in the closet.

I walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone. Still no text messages. I sighed and looked through my old messages. I noticed I still had Jai's number. I decided to message him. 'ummmmm.....Hiya' I clicked send and placed my phone on my nightstand. I didn't really expect a answer back from him. I bet he and his family forgot all about me. I walked over and looked into the bassinets and they were both asleep. I slowly walked out my door looking back and I see Daisy lay at the ground below the bassinets. I smile at her and walk down to the living room. Jamie was there watching the news. I sat beside her and she looked over at me. "How was your day at school?" I shrugged "It was kinda hard actually. And the parenting class. I have no idea what to name them!" She laughed. "Yeah Paisley is having some troubles too. I heard you have two. " I nodded. "Well you could always ask Paisley or even maybe Matt and Owen. I remember them having that class. They are definitely the parent type." I thought about it and decided to go ask them all. I thanked Jamie and walked upstairs. First I looked in my room. Then when I saw everything was good I walked over to Owen's room first. 

"Come in" I heard him say after I knocked. I walked in slowly and he was on his bed with a laptop in his lap. "Hey Miah. Whats up" I smiled slightly. "I need help with the whole parenting class thing." He smiled. "Let me guess you don't know what to name them?" I nodded then smiling knowing he understood. He patted his bed offering me to sit next to him. I walked over and sat down. He pulled his laptop closer to him and typed in Google and then handed me a piece of paper and a pencil. "We will look on here all night if we have too." Owen laughed. I looked at him and smiled. "Well we better start searching then". Then my phone buzzed in my pocket. I opened the message. I looked at the number but it was restricted/unidentified.  'Hello Miah, you don't know who this is and I just want to say it was nice to meet you today. But you see you picked the wrong person to make friends with. So just watch your back. Or something might just happen.'

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