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I quickly turned to the sound of his voice. "Jace...Y-you're awake!" tears spilled from my eyes as I ran next to his bed. He looked really pale to be fully awake as he should be.  Something didn't feel right. "Miah I...Saw my brother tonight..." His voice barely audible and he closed his eyes. I sat down next to him and held his hand to make sure he knew I was there. "He...talked to me and... said I was dying.." This made me start crying even more. "You're not dying Jace! You cant!" I tried to encourage him but he stopped me by talking again. "Miah...stay with me...Just stay with me, ok?" I nodded as the tears came down my face.

I leaned in and hugged him softly and he hugged me the best he could. Doctors came in and checked him over and nurses were in frequently but I never left his side like I said. When a doctor came in I asked about his family and they told me that he was a orphan at the age of 7. His parents and brother died in a car accident 11 years ago. The room stopped. Everything then hit me like it was yesterday. 

The flashback of me as a kid came to mind once again but more memories filled in as more details were remembered.~ "Mommy! come push me on the swings!" My mother running after me laughing and smiling. She pushed me on the small swing, her perfume filling my nose as the wind blew past us. My father sitting in the grass with our lunches. "Guys we have to get going." My dad called out to us. Mom and I raced to the car. Dad laughing at how mom let me win. We got in and Dad started driving home. "Lets listen to music!" My parents gladly agreed and put on some of our favorites. As mom turned to me we all were singing to each other when we heard a horn. Dad tried to get out of the way but the drunk drivers truck came head on. I woke up outside in a ditch with blood on my clothes but that didn't worry me. "Mom!....Dad!" I ran up to the road and our car was flipped and I saw an ambulance and police. I ran over to my mom whom was on the ground also covered in blood. "Mommy...mommy wake up" I whispered to her. "Sheriff we found the little girl!" A police man walked over and got down to my height. "Hey miss we need you to go with us ok. We have to make you better ok?" I disagreed. "No! I have to find dad!" He looked down with a sad look. "Hes in the ambulance ok." I nodded not knowing anything, me being 6, just that they were sleeping. I was taken to the back of a ambulance and found I had a cut from my bellybutton to my right hip. As I was looking out of the ambulance I saw the car behind the truck that had hit ours. It was smashed against a tree. There were people all around the car and I remember seeing the glance of the small blonde haired boy. Scared and alone just like I was, right before I was taken to the hospital where the police man that found me told me my parents went to heaven. ~


I sat in the room with Jace all day. Jamie finally came and found me and told me that they were ready to go, but I refused to leave. "I told him I wouldn't leave him. He didn't leave me....and I'm not leaving can do whatever you want later...I don't care...ground me...beat me...throw me away.....but i'm not leaving.." She shook her head. "We would never, we understand. Matt will leave his car for you. He will bring his keys in for you before we leave ok. I love you Miah...we all do." That made me smile "I love you guys too Jamie"  

Matt came in after Jamie left and gave me his keys and told me to be careful. I said I would and he hugged me goodbye. I sat back down next to Jace and lay in the armchair. I closed my eyes and rested them for a moment before a nurse walked in and checked on him again. They seemed to be doing that a lot. It was worrying me too. I smiled at her and she smiled back as she walked passed me. "Would you like anything? A blanket, water maybe?" I thought about it for a second and nodded

"Yea I could use both please." she politely walked out and returned with them soon after. After she left I lay in the armchair and watched Jace sleep. The rising and falling of his chest looked somewhat painful and it was hard to not wake him. About what seemed like an hour of answering peoples texts messages, Facebook messages and replys, and etc I decided to try and get some sleep. 

"Ms. West wake up....Ms. West.." I was woken up by a slight touch on my arm that made me jump. "Yea?" We have to transfer Jace to a hospital on the other side of town....His condition got worse overnight and we have to do emergency procedures on his lungs. I quickly got up and followed the nurse to the end of the hall. "They will be taking him to UCLA Medical Center" I shook my head tears already fighting to brake free from my eyes. "We are sending him in 15 minutes so I would leave now, and when you get there so should he" the look in her eyes told it all. She was worried. I nodded and rushed downstairs to the parking lot. I found Matt's car and got in. I started it and pulled out stopping at the stop sign. I felt the tears escape my eyes and started driving down the road.

I got about maybe a mile and a half when I was so confused and lost. I was still new to this stupid state and I was lost! I pulled over to the side of the road, I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Jamie's number but no answer. Then George's but got the same thing. I started freaking out even more because I have already wasted 5 minutes. It was a Monday so everyone else was at school but they where my only hope. I went to my text messages and found the first one of the three. "Hello? You know I'm at school right?" Owen laughed through the phone. I didn't answer as I shook my head, tears rolling down my face.

"Miah....Hello...Are you ok?!?" "Owen...I have no idea where I am, Jace is getting moved because he is not doing well....and I don't know where im going." tears spilled from my face once again. "Um...stay at the hospital Ill come and Ill have Matt come  get his car later ok." " Ok" With that he hung up and I drove back to the hospital and waited for him to get there. He showed up and I immediately ran over to him and he embraced me in a hug. "Are you ok? Whats going on?" I stared into his eyes and tried not to cry. I didn't want to break down again, but it happened. Tears escaped my eyes and he held me tighter. "Its ok, lets go ok." I nodded and got into his truck, looking out the window the whole time.

When we made it to the other hospital Owen dropped me off at the front door. I rushed in and went to the front desk. "Hi, how may I help you today?" "Did Jace Gaven show up yet?" She started going through her computer and looked through the names. "Hmm....oh there his name is. Yes he came in 5-10 minutes ago. He is up in the ICU but it says he is going to surgery so you will have to wait up in the waiting room up there." I thanked her and waited for Owen. We went to the elevators and made our way up to the ICU floor and I stopped at the desk. "Hi is Mr. Gaven out of surgery yet?" The guy looked at me and then the papers. "Are you Miss West?" I nodded and he stood up. "Follow me." He led us to a room. Owen and I stepped in and sat down. "A doctor will be in when he is done" I just sat there and didn't say anything.

We sat in silence for a good 30-45 minutes before a man with glasses and about the age of 45 came in. "Miss West?" "Yes sir that's me" He walked in and nurses followed behind him. He sat down in the chair beside me. "Ok so we had to do surgery to try and stop the lung from collapsing." I nodded for him to continue. "Im sorry, but during the surgery he passed away. He fought as much as he could but hes gone. Im really sorry." I broke. I cried into my hands. Owen quickly hugged me and rubbed my back but I couldn't calm down. Everything just came in and I officially got torn apart....again.

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