A simple walk

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I quickly deleted the message and Owen looked at me. "Who was that from?" I shook my head. "It was just a email pop up." He nodded and looked at me "Well what types of names do you like." I smiled "Unique" Thats all I said. He thought about it and typed it in. It took us about three hours to just look up names. Well it only took that long because I had to get up and change the babies, and feed them. It was now 8:32 pm. "Well you got the list you like?" Owen asked. I looked at my list of like 10 names. "Yea I think so." He nodded and got up to stretch. "Owen, Paisley, Matt, Miah dinners done!" I heard George yell. I walked out his room and started walking to my room "You coming?". I looked back. "Umm Ill be right down." He shrugged and ran down the stairs. I walked into my room and sat on my bed. I looked through the names for a minute then smiled. I walked over to the bassinets and watched. "Well I have your names." I smiled "Ryder James and Zoella Grace." 

As I made sure I was good to go downstairs I set my phone on my bed and walked down to eat. I walked into the kitchen and they were eating and talking. "Oh hey Miah!" Paisley said. I smiled slightly back. "Dinner is on the stove." I walked over and saw it was lasagna and some sort of mixed fruit, and  cookies. "Whats all in this?" They all turned. "Why?" Matt asked. ".....I'm kinda allergic to eggs and pineapple." George got up along with Jamie. "Don't eat this then" I looked over at George who read all the ingredients. "I can make you something else Miah" I shook my head at Jamie. No ill just find something simple that I can make. I'm fine" I smiled and they gave me a gentle smile and sat back down. I looked in the cupboards and found some applesauce. I walked over to the can opener and opened it. I grabbed a spoon and walked over to the table with the can and the spoon and Owen started to laugh.

"You're kidding right?" I looked at him and asked confused. "What?" He smiled. "You are eating applesauce for dinner." I nodded looking down as I noticed all attention was on me. "I'm sorry Miah I was just messing with you. It would suck to have those allergies." He gave me a half smile as he noticed I was looking down. The rest of the time we ate in silence. I finished my can of applesauce and walked upstairs. I checked on the dolls and they were sleeping still. I looked at Daisy and decided to go for a walk. I quickly changed and put a white beanie on.  I grabbed her leash and called her over to me. I hooked the leash to her collar, grabbed my phone putting it in my pocket and walked down the hall and stopped at Owens door. I knocked and he opened his door. "Will you do me a favor?" I asked. He nodded. "Will you listen for the dolls for me while I take Daisy for a walk?" He smiled and said he would. I walked down to the living room and Jamie was reading. "Jamie may I take Daisy for a walk?"

"Yeah but be back by about 10:30 ok?" I nodded looking at my phone and it was 10 now. I opened the door and walked out. The streetlights shining lighting up the roads. Daisy walked beside me her little feet could be heard patting against the cement. It was warm out like really warm. I walked down the street and looked at my surroundings so I could remember how to get back. I saw a park in the distance and decided to go there. I got halfway through the park when I heard someone. I turn to look and saw nobody. I shrugged it off and kept walking. I looked at Daisy and decided I needed to sit down for a second. I sat on the bench and Daisy found a stick to chew on. I set the leash down stared at the playground equipment for the kids. 

The flashback of me as a kid came to mind.~ "Mommy! come push me on the swings!" My mother running after me laughing and smiling. She pushed me on the small swing, her perfume filling my nose as the wind blew past us. My father sitting in the grass with our lunches. "Guys we have to get going." My dad called out to us. Mom and I raced to the car. Dad laughing at how mom let me win. We got in and Dad started driving home. "Lets listen to music!" My parents gladly agreed and put on some of our favorites. As mom turned to me we all were singing to each other when we heard a horn. Dad tried to get out of the way but the drunk drivers truck came head on. I woke up outside in a ditch with blood on my clothes but that didn't worry me. "Mom!....Dad!" I ran up to the road and our car was flipped and I saw an ambulance and police. I ran over to my mom whom was on the ground also covered in blood. "Mommy...mommy wake up" I whispered to her. "Sheriff we found the little girl!" A police man walked over and got down to my height. "Hey miss we need you to go with us ok. We have to make you better ok?" I disagreed. "No! I have to find dad!" He looked down with a sad look. "Hes in the ambulance ok." I nodded not knowing anything, me being 6, just that they were sleeping. I was taken to the back of a ambulance and found I had a cut from my bellybutton to my right hip. I was taken to the hospital where the police man that found me told me my parents went to heaven. ~

The sudden sound of Daisy barking made me wake up from my flashback. I looked to her then at what she was barking at. I looked up and saw a person at the other end of the playground. "Daisy come on." I said picking up her leash and started walking home. About a block away from the park I looked back. The person was following me. I started to walk faster. As I turned onto my road I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned quickly and pulled away but their grip was strong. I looked at them and it was someone with a mask on. I punched them and Daisy started barking. They quickly looked around and I saw a van pull up.

As he looked at the van I got loose and picked up Daisy and ran. He chased me and I heard people jump out of the van. I could see the house and pushed myself faster. I got to the fence of the yard and put Daisy over. Daisy ran to the door and started barking. I saw the porch light come on. Then I was grabbed again...but this time it was by multiple people. A hand went over my mouth and I was picked up and they tried putting me in the back of the van. The door still open as they tried to get me in so I started screaming. "Miah! Hey stop!" It was Owens voice. Then I heard him call for his dad and Matt. They all ran outside and started running to the road. A sudden sharp pain went to my face. I noticed I was just punched.

Everything was spinning and was shoved in the van. They shut the doors and I heard someone pounding on the side of the van as it sped away.  I saw lights of police cars and heard the driver swear. "What do I do!"A deep voice yelled at him "Just keep driving!" I looked up everything still spinning around me. The van turned quickly and sped up. A few moments later I heard a laugh. "Lost them stupid cops" The feeling was going to make me sick "all this trouble for her?" the male voice said sounding out of breath and angry. "She is the one he wanted." I closed my eyes and listened. "Yeah but is she worth going to prison?" There was pause. "I don't see why he wants her. I mean yea shes pretty and all but shes like what our age or maybe a year younger. We usually go for the people who scammed us over. She just moved here." a different guy who sounded younger.

I was so confused. But I lay still and kept my eyes closed. "Yeah but you see she is George's new family member. He scammed us big time and now we have something of his since he took one of ours." the guy with deep voice said with a sigh. "Conner..." one whispered.  As they all got silent I started to think about the situation. The van was black, there was 4 guys, the driver, the deep voiced guy, the younger one, and the guy who was out of breath. As soon as I thought that the driver spoke "The boss is here..." The van came to a stop and I heard them all get out. I quickly opened my eyes. The spinning was gone. I sat up slowly and saw them all walking toward the house. 

My chance was here. I slowly and quietly opened the back of the van and stepped out. I looked around me and it was dark. I saw forests all around me and then the road. I looked around the van and they were about 10 feet away at the door talking to another man. I then took my chance and started running towards the woods. "Get her!" I heard the man yell. I looked back and they were all running at me. "Stop or he will let the dogs loose!" The younger one yelled. I heard barking and ran faster. I was in the woods now and zigzagged through the trees. The sudden weight of something brought me to the ground. 

My side went sliding across the ground and I curled into a ball and looked up at the guy who tackled me. He had long flippy blonde hair. "Got her Jace?"one yelled. "Yea" he yelled back then looked at me. "Dont fight back." He grabbed my arm and tried pulling me up. I screamed in pain. He quickly let me go and picked me up bridle style instead, walking me back to the others. I saw the world spin and then everything went black.

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