Junior Year

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"Miah get your ass downstairs!" I heard Jai yell from outside my door. I got up and rushed downstairs. Jai and his mom was standing there in the kitchen. "Miah hurry up and change so we can leave! You will not make Jai late!" She screamed in my face. I flinched and ran back upstairs and changed into my red skinny jeans, my suicide silence hoodie and my beanie. I brushed my hair and grabbed my perfume. I sprayed it on me and the smell of the ocean filled the air.

I put my Vans on and I went downstairs. There in the kitchen was Jai and both his parents.  "Ok we only have 5 minutes before we leave so go and check on the dogs." Carl said. Surprisingly not screaming at me. I grabbed the dog food and walked out back. This was where I usually spent my day, with the dogs. They had two. One was a German Shepard and the other was a Rottweiler. I quickly fed them and went back in. "Well took you long enough!" Tina, Jai's mom, said with anger hissing out of her mouth. I didn't even dare say anything back. I wondered why she was so bitchy though. she is usually the nicer one.

I walked out to the car with my bag in my hands. "Have a nice day at school Jai!" His mom said smiling. "Oh and Miah we wont be home after school so either stay after school or wait outside with the dogs." I nodded and she walked back in the house. "Come on, hurry up your gonna make me late!" I quickly got into the back seat of Jai's car and he whipped out of the driveway. We turned into his friend Luke's house. "Hey man!" Luke said jumping in the front seat. 

"Hey slut!" he said once he turned to me. I just looked out the window and waited till we got to school. When we arrived he made me get out a block before so I wasn't seen in his car. I got out and started walking. I put my headphones in and walked towards the hell. I quickly walked through the halls to the office to get my classes and locker. I would most likely be by Jai and the popular cheerleader Faith. I opened my envelope and was shocked. I was put down near the end of the halls away from my brother and all the populars. I sighed in relief and walked down to my locker. 

When I got to mine I twisted the combination and it opened on the first try. I smiled to myself. I put my books and other things into my locker and noticed I still had about 10 minutes until the first bell rang. I closed my locker and sat in front of it. I placed my headphones in my ears and played my songs. I was halfway through one of the songs when someone tapped me on  my shoulder. I pulled out the headphones and looked up. "Hi my names Trevor. can you please slide over. Your kinda blocking a bit of my locker." I looked down. "I'm sorry" I said in a whisper. I quietly moved over. He opened his locker and then put his stuff in. He closed it and I thought he left. Then I saw someone slide down the locker and sit next me me. "Are you ok?" he asked. I looked over and nodded. "I'm fine" "Whats your name?" I smiled a bit to myself. "Its Miah." As soon as I said it I heard Jai. 

"Hey new dude are you crazy?" Jai said loudly. Trevor looked over. "What?" Jai smirked. "She is a freak. You can come hang with us. She is a nobody." Trevor looked at me and then back at Jai. "Nah I'll just stay here...I'm a nobody too." Jai looked shocked for a moment then left with his friends. "Who is that guy?" Trevor asked. "That is my brother." He quickly looked at me. "Your brother? why is he so mean then?" I sighed knowing I'll have to tell him the story.

"Well he is my adopted brother. His parents adopted me when I was little because my parents died in a car crash....he has just been mean to me ever since." I decided to leave the parts about being abused and cuts and stuff just in case he actually wants to be friends. "Wow....I'm sorry." I shook my head. "Not your fault." He just sat there for a moment in silence as did I. The thing that was weird is that it wasn't a bad silence it was a peaceful one. "Can I see your schedule?" he asked. I nodded handing him my paper.

He looked over it and smiled. "Well we have all but first and second hour together." I smiled. "Well I  should get going."  He nodded and got up offering me a hand. I gladly took it and he pulled me up. I opened my locker and grabbed my book and folder. I turned to walk away when Trevor stopped me. "Miah...See ya later?" I smiled and nodded. I walked down the hall to my first hour which was History. I hated History. I walked in and picked a desk in the far back. I sat there then saw Jai and his friends walk in. "Yay me" I said under my breath. I put my headphones in and looked at the desk. 

I felt someone sit next to me on both sides. Then the person on my left tapped my shoulder. I looked over and it was Luke.  I looked to my other side and saw Jai. His other friends in front of me. "What Luke" I hissed. "Oh calm down you know you love me." I rolled my eyes and turned looked back at my book. "So Miah why don't you show more skin?" Hayden asked turning around in his seat to face me. "I thought you were giving many guys what they want." I stared at him. "Shut the hell up Hayden." He smirked "Or what?" then he placed his hand on my thigh. I slapped his hand off and looked at him. "Don't touch me." He just laughed and the teacher walked in so he turned around.

He looked like he was bored and just sat down in his chair at his desk. "Well today is a free day." Then he laid his head down and basically fell asleep instantly. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote lyrics down. "Miah" I sighed. "What!" Luke laughed at the tone I gave Hayden. "What ya say you hook me up?" Then he placed his hand on my thigh again. This time instead of slapping his hand I punched his face. "You little bitch!" he spat in my face. He looked at me dead in the eye and Jai, Luke and the other guys looked at Hayden. "Hayden chill for now dude. Not in class." Jai said with a smirk "Get her after school" I looked at Jai and then Hayden. "You better be ready Miah, you just messed up big time!" I flinched at the coldness in his voice. What have I done.

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