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"I really thought you were dead" Nobara said, her face just above yours as you harshly blinked your eyes

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"I really thought you were dead"
Nobara said, her face just above yours as you harshly blinked your eyes.

The sleepiness very much evident.


"You didn't move an inch. I really thought you died." She sighed and moved back to give you some space.

"Eh?" Were the only words to leave your mouth.

"Well, it's not my fault that I've been sitting here for the past two hours waiting for you to wake up."

"You were sitting here while I slept? Gee, get a life" you groaned and stretched your muscles.

"Hey, my plan for today was to throw Fushiguro a nice fucking birthday party and sleep my ass off after it. But thanks to daddy Fushiguro who ruined them both." She glared.

"Oh shit, you woke up because of us?"

She just glared in your direction, answering your question silently.

"I thought you weren't going to see him anymore?" She then said after a moment.

"I thought so too"
You sighed and climbed out of bed.
The floor was cold against against your feet, as you made your way to the bathroom.

You didn't know what to say to Nobara. This should've stopped the moment you realised he was Megumi's dad. But seeing as you had little to no control around him, the second option left is to tell Megumi everything.

Or maybe there's another option, a little voice in your head spoke. Doing nothing and seeing how everything turns out is also an option.

"Don't even think about it" it wasn't your voice who spoke. Looking up to Nobara you raised your brows in silent question.

"I know you're thinking about doing nothing. You got that sad face you make when every option scares you." She leaned on the door.

"I don't know what to do. Around Toji I become someone else, someone bold and impulsive. I feel like I can't control myself around him." You sigh and turn around, leaning on the counter and facing her.

"I've never seen you like this, y/n." She spoke with a crease in her brows.

"Same, girl" you joked.

"I'll tell Megumi, but obviously not today." You spoke after a moment. No way you were going to ruin his birthday.

Nobara just nodded as you walked out.


"Kids, did you check your mails?"
You looked up to Gojo as he gave you and Maki a funny look.

"Um, no, not yet."

"Yea, just did."

You looked at Maki with an accusing glare while she just shrugged.

Chuckling to himself he simply replied
"Well, we've a big project coming up and we'll be leaving for a Europe tour. Our main destinations will be London, Munich, Rome and Paris."

He finished with an authoritative look. You mind went into a frenzy at the mention of Europe trip. The dream of travelling through your favorite cities in the world made your brain freeze.

"No, no, don't give me that look. This is not a backpacking trip you're taking to bond with your fellow colleagues. This project is really important and the marketing strategy and promotion of the brand is the responsibility of our department." Looking at Gojo's face you saw sincerity which was rarely there. He was the first one to skip out of meeting and probably the first one to get to a party. If he was being this serious then it was clear indication of how important this client was for them. 

"You can probably see the view from the office building." he added after seeing your down face.

"No fun" you pouted as you sat down to actually see the mail and go through the details of the trip.

"Yeah, well, what else to expect. This is our job." Maki reasonably pointed out.

"So, will it be us only?" you then asked.

"Oh for heaven's sake, just read your email already."

"It's loading!" You groaned. 

"You know, I might just fire you one day because of your slow ass computer." He eyed you as Maki snorted

"You love me too much to fire me, old man" you giggled and gave him a flying kiss to which he just flipped his finger.

You waited as your laptop aggravatingly slowly loaded all the mails. You cursed Nobara in your head because whenever she borrowed your laptop, she returned it with tons of viruses.

Your eyes quickly scanned the details as soon as you pressed on the mail. It provided with the knowledge of the meetings and hotels.

But as to answer your own question, no, it wasn't just this department that was going. Advertising, promotion and strategy all the relevant departments and some new interns will also be attending but that wasn't what grabbed your attention, no, it was Toji's name that made you held your breath. 


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