Chapter 16 The Gig

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Alright guys this the only chapter I can post today because I have to work a double shift so enjoy. :)


I woke up at the sounds of my mother and farther shouting. "CHAD RIDDLES THAT IS DISGUSTING IN MY HOUSE YOU HAVE A TEN YEAR OLD BROTHER!!!!!!" I heard my mother shouting. My dad was shouting pritty much the same thing. "CHAD THIS IS RETICULES COULD YOU NOT HAVE DONE IT AT THE PARTY SO IRRESPONSIBLE YOU HAVE TEN YEAR OLD BROTHER AND ALL I HERE IS THIS GIRLS MOENS ALL NIGHT WERE IS SHE!!!!!!!" Well sins Chad done something me ill do something for him. I got up out of bed and got dressed and walked out of my room to see them still arguing.

"MUM,DAD" I tryed over power them so I could speak. "WHAT" they both said turning to me "it wasn't Chad having.... " I looked around to see if max was around he wasn't. "Sex it was me sorry!" My dad was shocked as was Chad "JAMIE!!" my mother shouted my mum shook her head and walked of down stairs crying. "Jamie this isn't over." My dad ran after her to try and comfort her. The look he give me said he was incredibly disappointed in me. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks bro!!" I looked him and shook my head "you better get her out before they see her." I pointed "here ill walk her out so it looks better for you anyway."

I headed out with her I so my mother crying on the sofa and my dad give me the eyes of death. Wow that made me feel like shit I wonder what they are going to do when I come out to them. We arrived at the front door I was about to open the door when my dad was about to enter the hall. I quickly pressed my lips agenst hers before pushing her out gently. "JAMIE!! I'm disappointed that you would do something like this I expect from Chad but not from you so just this one time I let you of the hook but don't let if happen again."

He walked to the kitchen. Eww that was disgusting my lips have just touched were my brothers dick could have been and it was girl. Oh god I started to herl I quickly ran up stairs to the bathroom and vomiting my guts into to the toilet bowl. Chad walked in laughing at me I tryed to catch my breath. "The things I do to help you. Hu.... " I vomited again I get up and go to get changed in to some proper clothes to go see Jessie.

He said he'd speak today so. I got my car keys and headed to Jessie's I pulled up outside his and knocked on the door. Jessie dad answered he smiled me before shouting for Jessie. "Jessie Jamie's at the door!!" He shouted up the stairs. "I'll be down in a sec." Jessie replied he I heard him coming down the stairs he was with Ryan. I started to grow a smile now I know why he took so long to reply to me. They both came outside we all headed to my car and climbed in. "So what happened?" Jessie questioned I told him what happened and about the text that was sent to me. "That's great dude! Now let's go get some food!!! " He cryer out "wait wait wait wait if you get to bring your boyfriend I get to bring myn so were going to ollys first.

Pulled up my phone text olly that we would be at his soon. We started to drive to ollys "so what you guys been up to then?" I questioned I realised Jessie began to grow a blush. I so Ryan shaking his head "I have two things to say first Jamie you know what we have been doing and Jessie please stop blushing babe it makes me crazy hard your just so adorable when you do that." Ryan cryed out I so Jessie blush begin to deepen Ryan started smiling. "Baby your just teasing me now." We pulled up outside Oliver's he was waiting for us. God he looked hot today he climbed into the car. "Sup fellas?" He questioned I put the car into drive and try to find somewhere we could go eat.

We found a good place to eat some restaurant was called Mike and Ralph's. we climbed out the car I headed round to olly before wrapping my arms round his waist and kissing him. "Oh iv needed that." He giggled and kissed me again I didn't even relies that Ryan and Jessie were already getting into each other. "Get a room" olly cryed out they both stopped we all started laughing and headed into find are seats. We sat down at the table one couple on each side.

Sins me Jessie were I guess the girls of the relationship we snuggled up the them are heads lying in their chests. The waitress came over to us. She smiled at the all of us. "May I take your order." She questioned we all told her what we wanted. "Ok no problem FYI yous are all adorable couples." She smiled and walked of I looked up at olly just ingesting his magnificent cent and beauty.

He noticed that I was looking at him. "What's up babe." I smiled "nothing I just think your so good to me." He giggled at me "ok now your beginning to sound like a girl." I giggled he kisses me again. I look up to see Jessie and Ryan they were talking about football. Great that's all they talk about but they are a really cute couple. I'm happy that Jessie found someone. The waitress came back with are food we all scoffed it down.

Aventurely Jessie and Ryan stopped talking about football. We sat in the restaurant for about hour. We got up and headed outside to my car. Olly wrapped his arms around me pulling me close to him "Hey babe you coming to my gig tonight." Olly called out "I never new you had a gig." I kissed him "yeah well are you going and are you guys coming to." He called out to me,Jessie and Ryan we all nodded and climbed into the car. "Take us to jimmys bar!" He insisted we drove to the bar his band were already setting up. It came around to 9:00 and the band started playing wow they were really good and olly was amazing on guitar and my god he looked hot when he was playing.

The band finished at around 11:30 and the crowd loved them loads of people came and congratulated olly.Olly wrapped his arms round my waste and whisper into me ear. "Babe iv got such a rush right now." He winked at me "wait are you serious?" He kissed me before his tongue slipped into my mouth exploring every inch of it. I let out a uncontrollable moen in his mouth. He separated before bitting his bottom lip he was so hot when he did that it made me hard pritty much as soon as he done it. I grabbed his hand pulling him out of the pub wow iv spent to much time with olly I mean bar. Anyway we ran and climb into the car I put it in drive and drove I don't really know we're I was going but I don't care I was so turned on.

He is so good with his music god I love him anyway wish me luck I'm going to need it after his rush.

Alright hope you enjoyed this chapter I will be posting another few chapters tomorrow. Favourite,comment all that stuff and I hope to see you again next chapter. Peace out :)

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