Chapter 3 The party

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I woke up the next day it was the weekend, thank god I couldn't take school any more. I grabbed some clothes and headed down stairs there was no noise "mum,dad!" Their was no one here were the hell is everyone. I walked into the kitchen their was note on the bench it read. "Jamie me your dad are out shopping we will be home soon chad is out and max slept at his friends lots of love mum." I sighed looking up at the seling then I relized the time it was 1:45 "shit" I was meant to to pick Jessie up over an hour ago. I grabbed my car keys and ran out to the car put it in gear and drove to Jessie's.

he was standing outside his house. he jumped into the car "were the fuck you been I been iv been waiting for like two hours." "I know I know time just got away from me that's all." I shock my head "you looking forward to Lucy's party then!" Jessie was excited wow "yeah it should be good." I mumbled we drove to the mall "come on dude we don't have allot of time I want a new shirt for tonight." We walked into the mall towards the shops so Jessie could get his shirt.

We walked into the nearest men's clothes shop to start looking. He found a plane black shirt. "yo dude I'm going to try it on wait here I need you opinion." He said making sit on the chair outside the changing room. Yeah I know and I thought I was the gay one. He walked in and got changed a few minutes later he came back out. "so what do you think?" Looking at him self in the mirror. I'm not going to lie that shirt made him look really hot. "Yo Jamie what do you think then?" Trying to catch my attention "hhh what oh yeah that one looks good." "Great!!!" He went back in to the changing room and got changed again, we both Walked up to the front desk for him to pay.

We headed out the mall towards my car "so Jessie you looking to score tonight then?" I smiled "yeah well I'm going to try" he said trying not laugh we got in the car and started to drive home. We pulled up outside his house " were going to have to walk to Lucy's for the party." "Wait why cant we drive?" He replied "well I cant drive when I'm drunk can I." I shock my head sorcasticly "ha oh yeah." Jessie climbed out the car and walked towards his house. I put the car in gear and drove home to get my self changed for the party.

I was changed in a few minutes I walked along the hall to the bath room. "Why you dressed up" I heard voice from behind me I turned to see chad I rolled my eyes at the site of his face. "I'm going to party." Continuing to try and fix my hire in the mirror, I finished and walked out the bath room chad still watching me. "bye" I walked down the stair completely ignoring everything he was saying. I opened the door and headed out to see Jessie was waiting for me at my car "good your ready lets go I need a drink!" He shouted from across the street we started walking to the party. "so Jamie you going to score some one tonight." He mumbled "I don't think so and besides everyone will find out if I pull some guy in a party." I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed at the frustration.

We walked up outside Lucy's house you could hear the music thumping from standing outside. Jessie knocked on the door and Lucy opened "hey guys what's going on come in." We both Walked in the place was full of people me and Jessie walked into the living room to see she had live music. It was Jake typical he was all out musician and not to mention a show off. I don't think he could probably do anything else other than music. I felt a hand on my shoulder "yo what's up nigga you guys are a. bit late here you go!" It was Dwayne he handed me and Jessie a beer each "you better start drinking you guys gota catch up!" I looked around the room I saw Oliver talking to some girls over in the corner. I sighed at the site of it I really wasn't up for drinking, I went and sat down on a lone chair I guess I don't have chance after all. I looked around again seeing Jessie talking to some girls in the crowd I sighed.

I so Lucy climbing on to the stage. what's she doing? "hello everybody !!! hope you are all having a great night but I think you maybe getting bored of Jakes band so I think we should bring someone new on the stage!!!!" She was pritty much shouting into the micro phone I looked around again to see everyone was confused to who she was talking about. "olly come on do a song?" Everyone in the room looked at Oliver all the girls started squealing and pushing him towards the stage. He got on the stage his face was a bright red it was so adorable "emm I never sang in front of people before but I guess ill give it a try." He start singing to the sound of the drums and guitar. Oh god it was like an angle singing I couldn't take it made me upset watching knowing I wasn't going to get anywhere I headed outside to get some air.

It was few minutes later the music stopped and started again. I heard voice behind me "you alright mate" I turned to see Oliver he walked over and sat on the step next to me "you need some air as well huuu?" I just nodded and sighed I looked over at him staring out onto the street. He just looked so cute it was unbelievable he just looked so innocent like know one could ever be angry at him. I don't know what happened but something just took over me I thrusted me self forward and kissed his cheek softly his cheeks began to go a bright red colour he looked over with questions in his eyes his head tilted "OH eh... Eh I'm sorry I" he interrupted me before I could finish my sentence " you got nothing to be sorry about." He turned to me we were both facing each other and before I could say anything are lips connect. For a few seconds we separated I was shocked did that just really happen.

He bit his button lip he leaned over and whispered in my ear "that's anof for tonight ill speak to you at school." He winked then got up and walked back inside, to the party. Jessie and Dwayne come out they must have so the shock dripping of my face "yo what's matter mother fucker!""Jamie you look like you just so a ghost" they both looking down at me I looked up at them with a smile growing on my face. "Em I'm fine." "Well come on mother fucker the party's inside not out." They both pulled me up and dragged me into the party.

Wow did that really happen. Did I just get kissed by the cutest guy I've ever seen,and he what's to possibly do it again tomorrow. Oh god!! wish me luck


well guys here is the third chapter hope you guys enjoyed it favourite,comment all that good stuff and I hope to see you again in the next chapter. :)

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