Chapter 23 Doing The Right Thing

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I'm still laying down still cont finger out what I'm going to do I really don't know should I really give him just one chance. Jamie you have boyfriend that already jumps through heralds to make you happy. Then again so would Jake I mean I have known Jake for longer but. NO JAMIE SHUT UP YOUR BEING INDIOT!!!!! But am I God if I keep jumping around this subject I going to send me self insane.

That's if I'm not already their that is. I'll make the decision tomorrow, so I went to sleep. I woke up the next morning I tossed and turned trying not to think about the problem that layed before me. I looked at my phone their was phone call from Jake. Ohhhhhh God go away please!!!!!! I steered at my phone for few minutes fingering out what I was doing. Ohhhh God I'm going to regret this I opened my phone and called Jake. "Hello" Jake said he sounded really excited did he get excited after see my name on his phone, awwwww that so cute wait what shut Jamie.

I'm only doing this so I can say no and he'll stop nagging me God. "Hello" I replied, "SO....." Wooooh he sounded excited It actually kind of turned me on wait know Jamie shut up. "Ok..... Jake I'll give you one chance, one fucking chance to prove your self, BUT..... If this goes any further than us and I mean if a mouse even finds out about it. I swear to god I'll fucking kill you!!!!!!" I know I was a bit aggressive but I still love Olly and this brick isn't Destroying anything else in my life. "REALLY THANKS JAMIE YOU WONT REGRET I SWEAR!!!!! No one else will know I swear. So can I take you out somewhere?" Jake questioned me I sighed deeply "yeah....." I replied "great I'll pick you up at 7:00 honestly Jamie you won't regret it. "Ok I'll see you then....." We both hung up the phone. God what I'm doing !!!!! I text Olly saying that I would be staying the night at my own house again. I couldn't bare to see him know what I was doing I mean is classed as cheating. I mean we're just to friends going to dinner aren't we. I got a text all most instantly back from Olly it read. "Ok baby have fun, hopefully you come home soon I'm really missing you!!!!" Ohhhhh God he's not making this easy for me is he.

I got up and headed down stairs to grab some breakfast everyone was out. I grabbed my self some cereal and went and sat and watched TV waiting for my dinner with Jake to come round. It came to around 6:00 I got and got ready and waited for Jake to arrive. He arrived on time ha that's not like Jake. I opened the door Jakes eyes shot open he started biting his lip almost immediately. I rolled my eyes walked out and climbed into his car he climbed into the car after me. "You'll have good night I swear." He smiled at me I took a deep breath. He put the car in drive and we headed to some restaurant.

I don't even know what type off food it was but it was good really good. We finished are food then headed out I started to walk towards Jakes car. I turned back at him he was shaking his head "come on we aren't done yet." I took a deep breath and started walking with Jake down the street it was around 9:00. We started walking past a park he grabbed my arm and started walking me down through the park. I'm not going to lie but I'm soccer for fucking romantic walks.

It was so hard to keep a strait face. We just walked through park Jake looked at me and smiled. "So..... How am I doing." I took deep breath "your doing alright.... But it's freezing." He looked away " wait..... Your cold" I was shivering I looked over at Jake who was taking of his coat. Ohhhhhhh no this fucker knows how to make me drop to my knees.

He wrapped his coat round me pulling me close to him. we went and sat on a parked bench. "Are you ok...." Jake sounded quite concerned I nodded softly. God I fucking hate my self I looked over at Jake who was admiring the stars. "Jake...." My voice faded under my breath he looked over at me I started biting my bottoms lip. My hands reached up and grabbed the sides of his face and are lips connected but with allot of passion. Are kissing seem to get allot more in depth. We separated for a monument I started again with my lip. I grabbed his hand pulling through the park back to his car.

We climbed into the car he put it in drive and we started to driving to his house. We driving he was driving pritty fast I mean like really fast I but I'm not going to lie I was to turned on to care. I put my hand on his thigh he looked at me and groaned. We arrived at his house he pulled me out of the car we through his up to his room. We started kissing again with some passion.

I grabbed the bottom of his shirt but he snapped and pulled my hand away. I separated and frowned "sorry Jamie...... Iv never had boy to boy sex before he groaned." I smiled at him " don't worry I'll help you just relax and try to enjoy it." I smiled before liking his bottom lip asking for entry ones again. He let me back in my hand reached down again and grabbed the bottom of his shirt again lifting it of his tightly formed body.

I sat up and lifted my shirt of as well throwing it to one side. I looked back down at him biting his lip at me. "What...." I sniggered "it was everything I expected!!" He called out before grabbing me and pulling me back down towards his soft textured lips. Are kissing began to really turn me on I rubbed my hand around his crouch, fuck he must be harder then me isn't that cute.

I give him one last lingering kiss I was about to start kissing my way down to his chest when he stopped me. He pulled me up so we were face to face he started biting his bottom lip than grabbed my head give me one last kiss. "You know Jamie..... Their is nothing I would love more than you to continue doing that but...... It's wrong Iv saw you and Olly together..... And.... God I'm going to regret this but you should be with him not me....." His voice began to fade of I was actually shocked that Jake was telling me to do the right thing.

He took deep breath "one last one." He raised his eye brow I shook my head and give him one last lingering kiss. He then nudges me to get of, he gets up and puts his t-shirt back on. He hands me my shirt. "Come on I'll walk you out." He smiled and leads me down stairs to the front door. I was walking out his drive when I turn back. "Jake thank you." He smiled and winked at me before shutting the front door. I walked home Jakes house wasn't for from myn only a few blocks away. I arrived outside my house I pulled out my car keys all my keys are on one chain.

I stopped and went and jumped into my car putting it in drive and heading to ollys. I walked up to ollys front and opened and headed up to his room. I opened quietly Olly was standing at his mini bar making drink his back was turned to me. I sneaked up behind him and snaking my arms round his waste. I saw a smile start to grow on his face he turned around. "JAMIE!!!" He picked me up off my feet throwing me over his shoulder God I never realised how strong he was.

Taking me over and throwing me down on the couch, Then climbing on top of me. Then give me a long lingering kiss making me moen out loud. " I thought you were staying home baby?" Olly questioned me I bit my bottom lip at him. " I was going to..... But I missed you to much!" I give him passionate kiss which made him moen. God I love his moens " awwwwww babe." Kisses me again. "You know Oliver.... I love you so much and well.....I know this is a bit to forward but..... I want to spend the rest of my life with you!!!" He give me a passionate kiss it took my breath away it was like he stole it. "Aye Oliver walker takes thee Jamie riddles to be my lawfully wedded husband." He smiled we both giggled " Jamie I love you more than life its self...... and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you." We both smiled and give one last passionate kiss.

Well thank the Lord that Jake made me do the right thing. Now I wish to spend the rest of my life with Olly, I'm were I belong with Olly and I intend to stay their. So from me Jamie I'll talk to you guys later.
Ok guys we have reached the end of the book sadly :( but I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for taking time to read this book it mean so much to me you wouldn't believe. But I do think their will be a sequel in the future so keep you eyes open for that, are even another story on Jessie and Ryan. Might call it
"That American boy" I know it's a bit cheesy but what ever I think the name sticks. But until then from me and Jamie we will talk you guys later. ohhh and one more thing I hope to see you guys in the next book. Bye bye :)

Anyway If you guys haven't guested this is my story but from my boyfriends point a few it's all true every last bit of it including some the really shitty parts (cough, cough) the last few chapters. Either way I hope you liked hearing my story. :)

-Olly :)

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