Chapter 4 Did that just happen

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I woke up feeling refreshed I got up and but my clothes on and skipped down the stairs to breakfast. My mum looked at me with strange face "someone's in a good mood." I looked at her and just smiled she handed me a plate of food I looked up to see chad smiling at me "what!" He looked at me again " you scored at the party last night didn't you!" "Jamie's got a girlfriend Jamie's got a girlfriend" max shouted out." My dad walked "who's got girlfriend?" Max and chad pointed at me I know what you guys are thinking, I wanted to come out and just say it but I just didn't have the confidence I just a chicken.

Anyway My dad tapped me on the shoulder "adda boy" he walked away and starting making a cup of coffee "Jamie here's your keys get yourself away to school!" I finished my breakfast and took the keys and went to my car. Jessie was waiting for me at the car.

I unlocked the car and climbed in and started driving to school "yo that party was awesome on Saturday but it left a huge hangover!" Jessie shouted at me "yeah It was pritty awesome! Did you score then." I replied to him "na did you." I swallowed hard "em... no." We pulled up outside of the school and headed inside towards are lockers. I opened my locker and got some books ready for first hour then I felt hand on my shoulder . I turned to see it was Oliver "what's up?" I instantly blushed when saw his green eyes staring down at me. "eh... nothing." I mumbled "what's going on dude.?" Jessie spoke out to him believe me I want to smash my lips agenst his as soon as I so him but social morels held their ground.

The bell rang and hall started to clear quickly "you guys coming?" Jessie shouted at us I started walking but before I was more than few steps away I felt Oliver grab my arm. I turned to see a smile growing on his face. "Na Iv got to go to the toilet!" I shouted back at him I so him shake his head than start walking away.

The hall went dead their was me an Oliver and a few stray students. I turned and looked at him he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a corner of the hall, before wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing me deeply. We separated for a moment "Oliver your gay?" I whispered to him "yeah I thought you would of court on from the other night." He said sarcastically "I know I'm just shocked that's all." I was lost for words "so do you want to come to my place after school?" He whispered to me "ehh... Yeah." I smiled "we better go are the teacher will fucking kill use!" We both walked to the hall to next hour we walked passed Oliver's class. "al see you later alright mate." And he walked into next hour. The day dragged like mad and I couldn't stop think about Oliver and how he just kissed me like that. It came to lunch I walked out to get food I grabbed my food, and went towards at the table with my friends.

Their was know one siting next to Oliver so I sat next to him. He looked like he was already finished eating he was siting their with resting his head on the Parm of his hand it was adorable. I sat down next to him I started eating I turned my head to see a smile growing in his face then I felt hand on my thigh I moaned out loud, I quickly pushed the hand away. "you ok Jamie" I heard Jake say to me "yeah fine." I heard Oliver start giggling at me.

I finished my food and the bell rang we started walking to are next hour. We were entering the hall I pulled Oliver back away from the crowd. "why'd you do that?" I whispered "I'm sorry you just looked so cute sitting their I couldn't resist." He replied to me I blushed "hey so you still coming over tonight?" He said bashfully "yeah!" We stopped the hall was empty I so Oliver look around to see if anyone was about. He kissed me on the cheek softly. "ill meet you by your car k." He walked off to his hour I know leavening my like that he could of kissed me properly "jerk" I mumbled under my breath.

The last hour dragged I couldn't stop think what it was going to be like going to ollys meeting his parents is to early to meet them, does his parents know about him being gay. The bell finally rang for use to go I walked out to my locker and throw my books, in and went outside to my car Oliver was already their leaning on my car. "alright mate" he shouted "yeah" "you ready to go." I nodded we both climbed into the car and we started driving with Oliver giving me directions to his house.

I turned and looked at Oliver "so eh... Olly do your parents know that your em... You know gay?" I mumbled he looked at me and smiled "yeah they know so don't worry about getting touchy, are what ever they love me to much to care as long as I'm happy their happy. So you don't have to hide anything!" He called out we pulled up outside his house it was huge it was mansion my mouth dropped at the site of it.

He giggled at me my head dropped. "what's matter." He looked at me question why I was upset. I looked up at him "I just lost a bet! me and Jessie put bet on to see if you were rich,and I said you weren't rich and he said you were so iv just lost thirty dollars." He looked at me and giggled again he leaned in kissed me softly on the lips. "maybe that will cheer you up?" I nodded we both climbed out the car and walked to the front door and opened it we walked.

The place was huge then I hear Oliver shout " mum,dad are you here!" He shouted a small voice came from a room "yes we're in the living room!" They replied "so do you want to meet them because if you don't its cool I understand." His cheeks began to glow in colour "em.. Yeah ill meet them." He smiled and grabbed my handing taking me to the living room to see his parent sitting on the sofa. "Mum,dad this Jamie he's a friend from school." They both turned and looked at me his dad called out "hey what's going on pal?" Then his mother smiled at me " hello how are you?" Wow they all have that accent.

I felt Oliver grab my hand and pull me out of the living start to pull me up stairs towards what I'm guessing is his room. "sorry I didn't want them to embarrass me in front of you. We stopped out side of the door up stairs. "well this is my room it not much but eh." Before he finished his sentence I wrapped my arms round his shoulders and kissed him deeply.

I pulled away to see him smiling I don't know his smile could but an angle to shame. He opened the door my face dropped his room was the like size of my house. He had like hundred inch tv a sofa huge king size bed, mini bar "this is nothing." I said still trying to get over the size of his room!" Then I felt his arms slide round my waist and he rest his head in my shoulder. "Yeah sorry I just want to impress you." He separated from me oh can't wevdo that a little longer. He went and sat if his sofa. He tapped the seat next to him. I went an took it. He looked at me smiling " Jamie , I know we haven't really done anything but eh." I noticed his cheeks beginning to go red from him blushing. "I was wondering if you would ehh" his cheeks went a darker red "emm... Be my boyfriend?" I smiled at him and kissed him softly on the lips "yeah I will!!!!" a smile growing his face he turned and kissed me deeply on the lips.

He climbed on the sofa pushed me so I was lying down. He climbed in top of me. Start kissing me with even more passion his tung slipped it my mouth I let a uncontrollable moen in his mouth he giggled at me. Then his hands started doing circles in my hire. Then I felt something hard digging in to me wait is he hard right know yeah!!! he is oh my god. I made him hard!! It's not like he couldn't say they same about me I was probably hard anof to lift Thor's hammer.

We both started letting of uncontrollable moens "hhh hem" we both separated almost instantly we looked it was Oliver's dad. "I'm sorry felles but it dinner times but I glad to see you guys having fun." He smiled at the site of us "dad what the fuck you could knock!!!!" Oliver shouted towards his dad "ok sorry but you know your food will get cold!" He walked out I blushed knowing that Oliver wanted some privies with me. "So you want get some food are do you want to?" He kissed me softly on the lips " how about we take it slow." I smiled at him he kissed me softly again "ok baby but eh... I suggest we lose the lump in are pans first." He winked We both giggled it was few minuets later we both headed down stairs to the kitchen and sat down at the table.

Oliver's mother give us plate of food. "Oliver I think Jamie is a bit more than a friend from what I heir." Olivers mother smiled over at me I instantly blushed. "mum shut up your so embarrassing!!!" Oliver called out to his mother it was hour after are meal it was getting late. "I think ill have to get going olly." He looked at me he actually looked sad that I had to go I wish I could stayed longer to. "ok ill walk you out." He said sadly his head bowed we walked to the front door. Before a new it his arms were wrapped round my shoulders and he was kissing me deeply. He pulled away from me but I couldn't help my self I pulled him back in and kissed him again "ill miss you" I called out to him he smiled at me "ill miss you to." He kissed me softly then gently pushed me out the door.

Wooooh my god I just got boyfriend yay. His parent their so cool about us to I wish my parents were like that. Anyway wish me luck.


Well here is chapter four. I hope you enjoyed favourite,comment all that stuff and I hope to see you in the next chapter :)

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