43 They coming

242 4 0


week later



I heard a loud banging at my front door. Both me and Kya hopped up. 

"You go get it" Kya told me laying back down. I was so pissed im tired maneee. I put some shorts on and walked downstairs. I opened the door to the police Nani, and that one girl. My heart started racing. If they here for me we have a rat working with us.

"Fuck you banging on my door so early for" I said.

"Thats him sir thats her boyfriend" Nani told the cop and he pushed past me.

"Do you know where Ky'ani Johnson is sir" he asked me and i shook my head no.

"He lying she upstairs prolly" the girl said.

"I have a warrant for her arrest so I'm going to need you to step out while I search the premesis" he said showing me a paper. I jecked it out his hand while another police shoved me and them girls out the house.

"That bitch going to jail" the girl said laughing and Nani joined her. I took my phone out my pocket and called Herb.

"I need you to come get your bitch before I kill her...she's trying to get Kya in jail and they are here to get her..." i said and hung straight up.

"OPEN THE DOOR" i heard from upstairs. My window was open so everything that was said I could hear. Both of them hoes went in my house.

I said fuck it and I went back in the house and saw them banging on my room door.

"Uhm can we not go in there...I kind of dont want them knowing my business" I said pointing to them. The officers looked at each other and they told me no.

"Okay well can I tell her to get dressed then...." I said trying to buy time.

"No open the door"

"alright move" I said and i did just that. Kya was still sleep. Fuck.

"Ky'ani Johnson" the police said. She didnt budge.

"KY'ANI JOHNSON" he yelled and she jumped.

"The fuck are you yelling for" she said as she shifted to where her face was towards us. She looked at me and her eyes got wide. I shot her a look and she closed her eyes. The police was directly in front of her yelling for her to get up and she couldn't get up because she was completely naked.

"Sir i need you to back up and like give me a second so i can least put on undergarments" she said as calmly as she possibly could. He let out a sigh and walked out. 

"What they want" she asked standing up and going to where she put her clothes.

"Nani and o girl are here her cousin Myah told u about....thats what happened" i told her and she gave me a look. 

"Shit" she said sliding on some shorts. I heard a door slam from outside and I looked out seeing another cop car.

"Second room" we heard the male cop say before we heard foot steps.

"Imma get you out of this i need you to just agree" i said and soon as I said it the door opened and a woman cop came in.

"Out" she told me and I shot Kya a look before walking out.

"Sir im going to need to ask you a few questions" the man said.

"What is your involvement with Ms. Johnson."

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