The run down

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Kya and Taj got married a year after everything went down. They didn't have another kid. They still stay in the house Taj's auntie let them be in and they don't plan on moving soon. Kya is now 22 and Taj is 25. Kya works with Taj's cousin in her shop and Taj works as a mechanic.

Mya is 9 and she just chilling with Kya nem. She loves it there better than Louisiana and she made a few friends.

Mimi is 22 and has a three year old son (by Mikey) who she named Talik. She now identifies as gay and has a girlfriend named Naomi. Mikey gets mad about Naomi from time to time and they don't have a good co parenting system. They live in Chicago.

Mikey is 21 and he is now engaged to Lina the girl he cheated on Mimi with. They have a 1 year old daughter named Gianna and they are toxic. The fuck up then fuck to makeup type toxic. He off the streets and works off shore....and in other women's bed.

Nasir is 23 and he has a girlfriend named Danielle. They have a daughter named Violet and their relationship is strong. He moved to Tennessee.

Lani is 9 and she bad as hell...she doesn't give a damn about anything and stays in trouble in school. She doesn't really listen to Nasir.

Rico was killed by Tj because he was trying to mess with Semaj while drunk. RIP lil dummy...

TJ (26) and Semaj (24) are now engaged with twin boys who they named Jamir and Jeremiah. They are two. Semaj is 7 months pregnant with a girl. They moved to New York. TJ works as a taxi driver and a CEO of his street wear company and Semaj is a real estate agent.

Yani (22) went back to her ex (Cam's dad). They have a stable relationship. She has her own beauty shop as she promised and it's called Khloé's Secret and she's doing pretty good.

Cam is 8 and she just be chilling. She knows how to braid and helps Yani sometimes in the shop.

Chris is 26 and him and Haleigh (Sora's mom) finally got together officially. They have Sora (9) and another daughter who they named Sali and she is 2. They moved to Oak Lawn Illinois

Laila was killed a year after Taj nem left. This forced Dion (8) and the baby girl Dior (3) to have to live with Mimi. RIP

Camden is 20 and he has 2 kids a boy named Landon (3) and a girl named Bryonna (5 months) they stay in Louisiana still.

Kya's grandma was killed by some random guys on the street... wrong person wrong time.

Tyron is 19 and he's on his feet. He stays in one of the houses his aunt owns and he has a girlfriend named Macy.

Dee finally settled down and got a girlfriend. No kids, but they doing good. He moved to Arizona.

Kyree' s life is a mess. All he does is party and shit ALL DAY. After everybody left he was left to find himself. He figured out he was gay and he found him a crackhead boyfriend. They bond by helping each other up from a random person's couch or floor...😐


You missed Ike.-Jayy


Ike was killed by Camden RIP you two sided bitch.

Girl ain't no RIP I hope that muthafucka turning in that grave.-Jayy

Dee, Tj, and Mimi (plus their families) talk and Camden Yani and Chris (and family) talk.

Nasirs crew all fell apart and he only talks to his brother...when he's sober enough to talk.

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