Birth of a princess

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Aritho's POV

It's been 5 months since we've known the gender of the child that Ursa will be given birth to. and today is the day she is supposed to give birth. The palace is in preparation for the birth. The room of the princess was already set up. Although she will most likely be sleeping with her parents for some time. And if i have to fight to let the little human stay with her mother then so be it. The first few hours are very important for both the mother and the child. I'm currently on my way to the room where Ursa has been transported to give birth. The door was crowded by a bunch if servants, some carrying towels and blows of water. A messager goes back and forth between the room and the trone room to inform the firelord and Ozai himself of the progress of the contractions. when i enter the room i feel Ursa laying down on the bed and is clearly not enjoying the feeling.

"you look like you are dying" I laugh.

"I would love to see you give birth without looking like that." her exhaustion is clear in her voice. My laugh only increases.She begin laghing as well. Feelign her relax is a nice thing. She has been extremely stressed for the past two weeks. Once we calm down i go out of the room to find the midwife to tell her that the birth is imminent. Like maybe in ten to fourteen minutes.

When i'm done with this i go to the trone room to tell Azulon and Ozai that the birth is now in going. Once I arrive at the room I ear something that caught my attention. "Don't worry father I may not have succeeded for Zuko but this child will be perfect, even better then lu-ten." I feel the poison in the voice of the man who spoke and the response scared me more if it is possible. "good but you need to know that if not she will need to understand the fact that she may be powerful but still need to do the orders without any question. Other wise she will have to face the consequence." Azulon voice is now even more heartless and sounded like Sozin killed Roku. Although the day i lost my father is a very sore spot for me i can't remember much about it and i only knkw that specific part of the history because i asked my father myself. A voice tone imprinted in my mind like black ink on white paper. I enter the room like i heard nothing and say:

"Firelord Azulon, Prince Ozai. Ursa is having contractions very often now. the birth is in going." They thank me but make no move to leave the room. Instead they called a war meeting. shaking my head at the lack of manner demonstrate idecide to use a little trick i used long time ago in the air temple to beat Aang in races: super speed and a secret path i dicovered not to long ago to get at the room and as i go through the hallways to get to Ursa. the screams if pain that she lets out get to my ears even before her energy. Among the royal jerks the one i have the most respect i guess it would be the small Lu ten and Zuko. Anyways Zuko is he's always with he's mother so the chances he becomes a monster like he's father and grand father are rather low. As I arrive i can hear grunts and screams of efforts that Ursa was letting out. As well as her cursing every one in the room, mind clouded by the terrible pain. I enter the room as Ursa was yelling at the ten servants and the midwives cursing their whole family tree as well as Ozai's. I approached the midwife as she was commending Ursa to push harder. The sheets of the bed were covered in blood. I could feel the head of the small child coming out, the hell is coming to an end. Finally after a couple of more pushes, the tiny human was finally in the real world. The next thing that was going to happen was the first cry, sure enough the small human was crying loudly. A very healthy young girl. The next thing was the after birth. The servants were already making a move to snatch the crying infant to clean her. But i stopped them, she needed to eat before. The first feed. .a smile is floating on my lips. Birth is the beginning of a long story that you have to write with the tools given to you. Some get far in life with not much, some ither can have everything but can't go far because if something that's holding them back.

I will protect and teach this little one, she will need it. Although i will admit it's been a while I had to teach to a person that powerful and I want to be a person the princess will trust like the other. A purring sound awake me from the trance i was in. my hand automaticly goes to the head off my tiger scraching it. Ozai having arrived when the little one was finally clean. He vas now holding the small bundle of clothes with the small new born in his harms. His next words rings into my head like a threat:

"She's perfect, I can feel the power emaning from her. She's perfect." A shiver ran donw my spine and I wanted to snatch the girl from his grip already but I knew this would be a giant mistake for the princess and my well being. The voice of Ursa vibrating with kindness calls:

"Zuko, come say "hello" to your sister." The young boy timidly say a small and cute "hello". making my heart melt at the innocence and shyness of the little boy. My tiger sudenly leaves my side to go sniff the baby making her giggle a little then the animal growled at Ozai before backing up a little leaving the prince septical.

"A ceremony will be orginise in honnor of the birth of my grand daughter to night." Azulon decided then left to go back at the trone room for finishing the preparatifs of the next invasion probably. The midwife ask politly:

"So what's the name of the princess?"

"Azula..." What a magnificent name.

A Bunch of days later in the throne room during a war concil. Yes another, apparently it is PrYmOrdIaL to get the hight ground and take right decisions in the current war. It makes me think of all these poor people that lose their friends, lovers and families to this big war.

"Aritho, You will lead an elite combat team to win over the most of the east of earth kingdom, There is many small villages that most likely have some small milices but you will probably not need to fight too much. This will be you mission." Azulon annonce to me. Pointing towards the map spread out on the table.

Talk about ruining my plan. Me who wanted to stay here during the first years of the new born princess. Well i shall start packing for this mission.

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