Finding the avatar by accident

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A/N: Not edited
Also it's a long one so grab your chips, blanket and get comfortable.

Aritho's POV

"I said lower! You are not dighting against a giant for agni's sake." I yell from the side of the courtyard. All that i got in response was a annoyed and frustrated groan. It had been more than an hour that we have been working on the technique. She took back her stance and began the techniques, first a simple punch, second a high kick, double punch with a small step forward, step backward change of stance into a horse stance, side punch, catching the head of the opponent and breaking the face with a hit of the knee, catching an opponent's head with one hand, flying kick to the head and landing in a roll, double block at the head, conter attack with double hit of the side of the hand, jet of fire trough the head, fire ball trough the chest just to be sure that the opponent won't get back up, turn around slowly, guard up hands open, punch in the chest, double kick, spin on the floor to dodge along with a line of fire to keep distance, jump double kick and open hand hit on the jaw. At the last movement She stood back into a straight stance and turned to me.

"Good enough for now, come here." I patted the ground beside me, she deserved a pause anyway. She sat down in the shade and took the goblet of water i offered her, chugging it down.


"Very good, need some slight adjustments but nothing too major." I assured her, "However, you need to fix the head problem." I said referring to the bashing of the head on the knee. I know why she does it too high but if someone were to figure it out she could be in trouble.

"I know, i just can't picture anyone else."

"Now that young lady, Is a lie." I could feel her glare at me but made no sign to acknowledge her frustration. "If really you can't find anything just picture me." I told her in a joking manner.

"You know what i think i will." She replied with the same energy. Getting back on her feet. As she was going to start again the kata a messager came in the courtyard.

"A message for the lady Aritho and the Princess Azula," He announced before continuing. "The fire lord wishes to see the both of you. Something happened in the north." He bowed deeply before departing walking backward till he was out of sight.

"Ho well, let's go." I said walking calmly towards the entrance of the palace.

"You know, father is going to be annoyed if you're late again." Azula declared as she walked briskly past me.

"He's used to it." I replied unbothered. She clenched her jaw but replied noting since she had arrived to the corner of the hall.  When i finally arrived at the door of the throne room the conversation had already begun inside. I opened the door and walked passed the guards.

"Aritho, How nice of you to actually show up." Ozai said faking a nice voice.

"I'm not sure that you should be the one talking boy, You have nearly arrived late to your own wedding." I replied venom in my voice, I had lost count of the number of time he hadn't shown up for a valid reason. He scoffed but made no real comment to counter my saying. Instead he just went back to the reason of the meeting.

"We lost our whole fleet in the north, lost to the ocean spirit. We will so continue on with your plan. But you will have no power this time." Ozai began to explain. "Your brother is now a traitor and your uncle a disgrace to this family. I want you, Azula, to bring them back to keep them out of our way to victory." I knew where this was going but i will not say something right now not the right place. I may be insolent or arrogant i am not an idiot. "Aritho will accompany you but will not help you in any other way then mentoring you when absolutely needed."

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