There you are

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A/N: Sorry for errors

Aritho's POV

The next morning i went to the throne room and asked for an audience with Azulon as the rules dictate. As i was waiting to get invited in the room i make some small talk with the guards posted at the main door. A few minutes later a guard popped his head out of the Thorne room looking for me. I step closer to him and when he takes notice of me he invites me to come in the grand room. I wave at the guard that was now back in place and enter the room. As i walk in the fire lit room Azulon stands from his place on the cushion of the throne. I Stood quietly as he got off his pedestal. I know how much they value to be higher then anyone else in the room. Ince the high up throne. I bow slightly my head. Out of courtesy, i have manners still. If i didn't i wouldn't be here.

"You wanted to talk to me about something." He says inviting me to walk along his side in the room.

"Indeed, I wanted to talk to you about the education in fire bending if the young princess as well as the young prince." I respond. I feel him nod quietly to let me continue. "I wished to take over their education in that domain once i judged they were ready and i feel like it is a good moment to start." I continued to explain.

"Of course, Is Ozai agreeing with this decision?" I had anticipated this question. So i stayed calm and stated that I could do an agreement with Ozai if needed.

"You wanted to do it the old way?" I nod without a word. The ancient way is mainly the stronger one gets to decide what is to be done after. The weaker follows the stronger. It is, what many would say, the way of the world. I disagree with this way however. "Then, i guess i have no opposition. You are more than qualified to do this job." Azulon declared. He turned to one of the servant passing by.

"Boy! Go tell the others to prepare the Agni Kai terrain. It will need to be ready before tomorrow after noon." The young boy bowed deeply before taking off towards one of the many exits of the throne room. I decide that it is the time for me to leave. I bow slightly my head in sign of 'respect' before getting out if the room. I have a training in a couple of minutes with the new recruits. Nalian and Oyan were staying in my room during the day. The poor little thing was blaming itself for the disappearance of the princess. I was quietly walking down the hallway when the two princes were running in my direction. The older one, Lu Ten, seemingly not looking strait forward. They were running straight at me. I stepped back to get out if the way if the two turbulent boys.

"Hi, Aritho! Bye Aritho!" Zuko shouted as he passed by. Still focused on chasing his older cousin. I chuckle softly, they're really cute at that age. Ignorant and naive little kids. Lu ten is older therefore more aware of the things going on. Now we wait for the fight. That is all i have to do, or almost. I will go into town to do my round right after the training.

~time skip~

I walk down the road, to finally get to where i was going. Oyan was walking beside me she was making sure nothing too odd about the people in the road. I was handing some money and food to the people that were asking for it and helped some others that needed. This is most of the things i do when i have enough time to. I like to help the people that need it. It feels great. Soon the heat of the sun dimmed Indicating that i would need to get back to the palace soon. But it was also the best time to be here. The guards we're often out in the streets but they we're a little nicer once the fire lords eyes went somewhere else. Anyways the people wanted to express themselves, it was why so many theatres we're pulled up during the night. In either small scenes or if the scene director has more money they perform in bigger scenes and even some in real theatre. There actually is one in the palace but i highly doubt that there is a lot of performances there. I sigh as i 'look' down at Oyan that was walking beside me. I take a small moment to decide whether or not to stay for a while but decide against it. Since i have things to do at the palace.

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