Are you OK?

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A/N: Not edited,

Aritho's POV

I entered the war council room, the fire lord as well as other generals were waiting all at their designated seats. The high wall of flames blocked the view to the fire lord to anyone else that wanted to take a look at the ruler of this land. I went over to my seat greeting some of my colleagues on the way. Some of them i respected bit most of them weren't exactly in my favours. But that also meant i wasn't in theirs either. While some of them feared me because of the numbers of tales that i stared in. Some of which i actually never been to. The door opened once again to let enter a newcomer. Azula walked in as if she owned the place and bowed respectfully to us. Something felt wrong in her energy though. When her eyes landed on me her demeanour changed drastically. Like she got suddenly scared of what would happen next. I felt her gaze leaving me and going to her father. The flames lowered in a part of the barrier showing the seat of the princess by her father. She briskly made her way to it and sat down after greeting and bowing to her father. Her breathing was uneven and her steps aren't as light as they should be. She was in pain and her injuries on her back could be the very reason for that . But it wouldn't explain as well the reason of her slight limping though. And the strange- No, wait i know that. Ho no spirits, please not her. She doesn't deserve this. Leave her be. Focus each thing in it's time. This meeting and after i'll take care of it. Oyan began to growl beside me.
Quiet. I order her putting my hand on her head and scratch her sweet spot.
Can't you feel it?
Of course i can but we don't need to cause a scene. I replied forcing her to stay put. She grunted in anger and annoyance.

"Now that we are all here we can see the new plans." Ozai began said silencing the rest of the room. "Admiral Zhao is here to give us more information he collected as he hunted for the avatar." The said admiral stood up from his seat and bowed to his fire lord.

"Well to begin with, he travels with a water bender and what i guess is her brother. He is indeed a master of air bending but doesn't seem to have mastered any other element." Zhao declared. "He is not following a straight route and his bison is hard to follow." Thank god Appa is protecting them. This bison is so kindhearted and amazing. I like him a lot. "I had him captured him but a strange evenement happened. A person with a blue spirit mask took him away from me." With that he finished his story and bowed once again before sitting down. I had not totally listened to the end of his speech because something else had caught my attention. Azula had begun to have trouble breathing. Some blood had leaked out in her lunges. I stood up and walked over to the throne. Extinguishing the fire that blocked them from us. I could feel the blood draining from her face. And her breathing getting even more uneven and troublesome. The next step would be that she would begin to lose consciousness. I pulled her to her feet and began to bring her back to the door.

"This meeting is over." I declared as i crossed the door. The guards closed them behind me blocking a visibly angry fire lord from getting to us. As we walked over to Azula's chambers i could feel that she was loosing more and more energy. As if simply walking was a inhumane thing. From what i believe is fatigue and injuries. After what felt like an hour we arrived to the door leading to her chambers. I opened it with a flick of wrist and entered the room, bringing her to her bed and making her sit down. Some of her maids were in the room confusedly looking at us.

"Don't just stand there, get me a bowl of water and some rags. Now!" They quickly left their occupations to go get the things i asked for. It didn't take very long for them to get back, meanwhile i had done a small check up on the extent of the injuries. Two maids came back into the room wit bowls of water, two more with some rags i asked for. I ordered them to put them down in the small table by the door and leave us. I made sure they left before bending water to the wounds on the back of the princess. She flinched when the water touched the injuries on her back.

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