Powerful Child

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Aritho' POV

I walk trough the doors of the throne room. Magnificent flames were blocking the view to the fire lord. Thus making the temperature of the room way warmer than normal. I don't care cause over the years i grew used to the tempereture and now i kinda like it cause it feels like home for me. my interlocutor THE Firelord himself. Firelord Azulon for the people close of him. I can feel that he he's content not quite happy but content. good news for me I wont be yelled at today. Well by him anyways. His son on the other hand it would be likely that we would break in a argument as usual. It's not that i don't get along with him, but i really don't like him at all. As I get closer the heat intensify almost burning me so i kneel and bow waiting for him to talk. His voice suddenly rings in my ears like tunder. Trying to be intimidating i see. But the thing he says is completely cancel this effect.

"you don't have to do that when we're alone you know that, now stand Aritho we need to talk." I stand and tilt my head in sign of lisenning for the next thing to come out of his mouth" as you probably know Ursa is pregnant with an other child" I nod for him to continue. " Well Ozai wants to know if this child will be a better firebender or not. I know you have some amazing predicting knowledge so could you make a visit to your friend?" I simply replie by a positive nod of head thank him for having me and turn my heels then jogg to the door and exit this part of the palace and head to the chambers of Ursa and Ozai. When I arrive at the door I do the knoking code and wait for Ursa to oppen the door. But to my suprise i felt a young boy open insted. The voice of Ozai sudenly rings in our ears. What in the name of Agni is he doing there? He just wants to know my verdict doesn't he?

" Who is there Zuko?"I don't let him respond and enters the chambers to find Ursa sleeping and Ozai at his desk. I can feel power in this room. and not from Ozai but from the woman in the bed. I can fell Ozai right beside the bed. I can already guess that this child will have a dark future. Sensing how this child is indeed very powerful. Ozai's back is facing me so I reply. "Firelord Azulon asked me to check up on your wife sir." I honestly hate to have to call him that i am more powerful, i have more knowledge and yet i have to call him sir. As An AcT of ReSPeCt. Respect my ass... Masculinity is fragile. Ozai nodded and brought the maids out of the room before coming back while I woke Ursa up by shaking her shoulder gently. Once she had woken up I exit the room leaving her enough privecy to get dressed. Not that it would bother me, i cant see anything. Blindness can do that sometimes. i enter back in the chambers i find Ursa is siting on the bed. Her nervous habits coming back up. Slightly tugging at the hem of her sleeve. My dragon, Oops..well my tiger was realy close the vibration in the earth also change. the door slam open and the animal jups on me liking my face like it hasn't seen my over the last hundred years making me laugh and try to squirm under it to finish my job the laugh of Ursa and Zuko enjoying the scene of me being crushed. At least she knows how to relax the atmosphere. But the glare of an annoyed Ozai makes bith Zuko and Ursa tense up and stop laughing. I stop myself from laughing more. I stand up quickly and my tiger lied on the ground by me. passing my hand on my clothes to remove some small dust that could dirty them.

"How are we gonna do this," I stop to emphasize the next word. "You majesty." Of course i only do that because i have to. Ozai smiles triumphantly as if he just conquered Ba Sing Se or something then respond quickly and sternly.

"I want to know everything that you can get from examination." I can feel that he has an idea in mind and i am pretty sure that i won't like the ending. Making my way to the bed where Ursa was sitting. I slowly take the hem of the shirt and then ask to lift it a little. With a slight nod in response i lift it a little higher and ask her to hold the shirt so i could do what i had to. As my hand brushed lightly over her baby bump I could feel an intense power radiating from the little one in there. The power it own scares me a little. If not used properly it could be a very bad news for the rest of the world. last time i felt this was with an avatar , Aang to be exact but he was pretty much alive an standing in front of me, Not a little bean in the uterus of his mother!My tiger grouwls Slightly at Ursa but not like she wants to kill but like she wants to warn me of somethign we don't want to happen. " well first of the baby will be very very powerful..." A girl it's a girl."and... it's ... a.. girl." I can feel the change of dementor of Ozai. I take Ursa's hand and do our secret code to tell her to meet me in the garden after breakfast.

I then stood up and bow to the royal family before exiting the chambers to go in the practicing area. My tiger hot on my heels. Just as i was finally done with the breathing exercises and stretches. I then begin to warm-up do some of my favorites formes and then began to bend fire in fake fights imagining some ennemies to take down. I practice the one i know i have to work more on. We are in war and even if i prefer winning with my mind instead of my fist i know that sometimes you gotta fight. My tiger, Oyan began to do some moves for me to copie she's been my teacher since over a hundred years. but even though i am really old, like probably a hundred and thirteen old i look like a teen like im thirteen or someting every ones know that im like that but nobody know why i'm like that. well exept me of course. A different vibration in the earth and a voice  made me come back to reality.

"so were havign a girl is that correct?" Ozai voice dripping with poison, never a good sign with him. my tiger stop and turn to face him. "yes, a GIRL. do you need me to explain to you what that means so your primitive brain can catch up a little?"  I teased as he is lifting his arm like he wants to shoot me with his fire bending but quickly regained control and walked away mumbling something about how i am so annoying. I went back to training a smile floating on my lips i like make him look stupid! I train for another hour and then realized it was close to midday. i went in my chambers to take a shower as well as changing my clothes and went eating.

-time skip in the garden with Ursa-

we were walking and talking of nothign in particular just like how the life is going for both of us. then she ask me what i wanted to talk about with her. Sighing i let myself be honest with her after all she is one of my best friend.

" Well I just wanted to tell you that she will need a lot more class of cotrole of firebending caus her power is incredibly stonger then eny other firebender here. even the firelord or Iroh, and don't be effrayed of her or let her take to much confidence. let her have an almost okay childhood and please include her every minute of the day just as you do with Zuko. She will need to stay away frim her father.'cause it could make things really bad." after the revelation i could sense that she was a little stressed but then again who gets to cary another human and isn't stressed. I know how stressed i was...

"Don't worry i'll be there with you the whole time and will help her to control her power" Ursa relaxed a little bit more but still not completely. when she spoke her voice was shaking.

"What if she becomes like Ozai, then what do we do?"

"I won't let that happen! I promise." My voice was suddenly changed to a grave one and scared me more then Ursa. But I knew what it was. the spirit that merged with me when i was little.

"On another note would you want to go see a play? To get your mind off things." I suggest my voice coming back to normal. With a smile she nodded and breathed a small yes.

AN: hey guys I know it's bad but I promise it will get better anyway enjoy the book 😅

I will try to update again later tonight the next chapter. But no promises.

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