School day

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A/N: I decided to add this chapter because i wanted to do azula's first day at the royal academy for girls. so here it is.

Nobody's POV

The sun shines through the window of the young princess of the fire nation. The Orange light illuminates her face and pull her from her slumber. The beast at the end of the bed was already staring at the young girl, seemingly waiting for her to wake up. With a small groan Azula brought her hands to her face to rub tiredly her eyes to wake herself up. A soft purr made her lift her head to look at her tiger. Nalian was now standing on her paws and was telling her to get up and to get ready. A couple of servants entered the chambers just then, some headed in her closet to get her clothes ready as others were preparing some other things around the room. They kept their distance with the tiger that laid by the princess.

"Good morning Princess," One of them greeted once her things were ready. Azula stood up and let her dresser dress her for the day as well as another do her hair. Today was quite an important day, she was being sent to the Royal academy for girls. She wasn't sure how it was going to go, but at the same time she didn't care. How bad could it be? Her mother was quite enthusiastic about sending her there, her father however wasn't as much. But if it could help her improve in her studies then it would be benefic for him too. The more she would be educatadet the more it would make him closer to the throne and he would do anything to get to the throne. Azula wasn't exacly thrilled about it either. She wasn't happy that she had to spend the following years of her life with some idiots. Once she was all ready she made her way to the dinning room. once she entered she saw her brother taking his breakfast in company of their mother. They were exchanging on something but Azula didn't really care about it she sat down to the ususal place and a servant came in to serve her. She began to eat her breakfast, Zuko then turned to her.

"Are you excited about your first day? I know i would be. But i can't you are really lucky." That was a sentence she had heard more than once. She always had been proud of it, at least at the begening. Now she wasn't sure what to think. It was way off then what she had thought. It wasn't luck it was just bad. She may had the favour of her father but it did not make it nice. He was never satisfied with what she did. She really only had Nalian now. Since Aritho had been called back to the front lines as a general. There was a mission to Ba sing se and she was one of the commenders. The thing is that it left her father at the charge of her fire bending training. It was way rougher now then the ones that Aritho did. And way less fun. She often would take some unorthodox way to teach. But it always was interesting. They often would go around town before each lesson then go somewhere to learn. It was more intertaning that way. And she even learn some history facts or some war strategies and even dance moves. She had been septical about it at first but after a quite informative explaining she realized what it had been for.

"Not exacly, i suppose it could be nice to get out of this place..." She shrugged as she took another bite out of her food. Suddenly Ozai barged into the room, looking quite angry. He looked over to Ursa and looked at her suspiciously. It had been like that for a couple of days now. But the storm had yet to burst.

"Lo and Lee will get you to the school, be ready." Ozai said coldly to his daughter as he sat down at the end of the table. The place usualy held by Aritho. It was strange to not have the energetic calmness of her teacher there to calm things. She nodded and stood up once she was done with her food. As promised Lo and Lee were waiting fore her at the front of the palace along with a carriage. They had perpare for her the things she would need in school. They bowed to her as she entered the carriage. They sat in front of her. The way to the school was quiet. Once we approach the building the young princess began to stress. So many what if were going trough her head and she had to remind herself that she hadn't to fear any of them. She was royalty after all. Why would any of them be against her when they would simply indanger themselves? They entered the gates of the school and something else a bit shocking came into view. The young girls were their with their parents. Or at least most of them. The peopl there in the place turned their heads to the new arrivants. Lo and Lee were the first to get off the carriage, after that Azula stepped of as well. Once the people present understood who was the young girl they bowed to her. As usual she got a strange satisfaction when the other were addmiting their inferiority to her by doing this act of respect. Then one at a time they rasied back to their feet and went back to their things. Lo and Lee brought the princess inside the building to go and get to class. They brought her to the reception to get her books.

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