The fight

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Aritho's POV

I continue to push him away from the living part of the palace to get to the training area. It is certainly not the first time i will fight against Ozai. I know his moves well and enven if he would pull another new technique i can always use the other bending types that i can bend to win. I will not let him have the victory. How could I? He is a youngster compared to me. While he is competent in fire bending he is not exactly what i would call a master. But fighting him can be distracting from the rest, I have to focus a little bit more then when i train with other persons. The only person that i had to really focus with when training alongside them was Aang. But since we were in the monasteries most if the time and they were pacifist we couldn't exactly spar as i would've liked. But now things have changed. We aren't in the monasteries anymore and there is as war going on. Talk about a change of plan. When we entered the training grounds, there was already someone there. Iroh, the man is not as horrible as his father nor his brother and is actually quite nice. When he saw us enter though he stopped what he was doing and looked iver to us. I let a fuming Ozai go from my grip. He looked over to his brother and then yelled at him to get out. Iroh obliged without a word not wanting to anger his brother anymore than he already was.

"I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT YOU GET FROM TELLING HOW TO RAISE MY ONW KIDS!" He yelled angrily his fists light ablaze.

"I did not do that, i simply said that your daughter needed a day off." That response seemed to anger him more. Without any warning he sent a fire ball my way. I effortlessly dodged it, as well as the next one after that. He began to try another approach. He got closer and tried to hit me with his fists and little puffs of fire. I began to do evading maneuvers, my hands behind my back and once in a while striking with my feet. But just wanting to tire him out being my goal i don't attack much. That seem to anger my opponent, his flames get bigger and less controlled. As if he controlled his fire bending only with his emotions. That way of bending always end up in a big fire all over the place. At least from my experience. But however how big his flames were never once did he touched me. I was even getting bored, Can you imagine it? I know that i never really liked war but now i am really done with all of the fire nation hurting the rest of the world. I have 'seen' the suffering, the death, the burns, the hunger, the pain from everyone in the entire wold. Ozai was tiring and his moves were getting more sloppy and uncertain as i was still able to escape every attack he trows my way. The more he continued the more he was setting ablaze the environment. Even the fire proof dummies were starting to burn. The air around us was burning and sweat was slowly sliding on both of our bodies due to the heat on my part and effort from the prince. On a final try to attack me he sent a fire ball my way but i caught his wrist before he could make a single other move. I twist his arm to make him kneel before me and then light my hand ablaze. Shaping the fire in a small dagger and then lifted to his neck.

"Do you yield yet?"I ask putting the fire dagger closer to his neck. The heat of it making him nervous. He nodded humiliated, but it had been a long time since he fought against me. "I have a big say in how you raise your kid, Ozai. I Know things that you don't. I would not interfere if i saw it not fit." I let him go and took the fire around the room. Before he could stand i catch him and puts him to his knees. I take out a rope and then ties Ozai's wrist together with his feet. "Now stay put and i will send someone to untie you... If not burn your restraints. But you must understand that this is a very small punishment from what i wanted to do to you." I say as i finished the last knot. "I let you a past chance if you don't behave i will punish you properly. And you won't like it at all." I knew that he had seen what i could do to the one that went against my will. I just hope he won't be stupid enough to go against me. I have enough of acquaintances to raise an entire army... I just don't want to go to that. I don't want to get to their low level. I stand and then walk out of the room to go away from the angry man. I just hope i won't come to a point were it will be primordial to pull out the secret army or that Aang takes too long to return to the surface of the earth that i actually have to fight a real fight against the fire nation alone. Because if i fight like that i will not drag anyone with me in this downfall to bigger problems.

Sometimes i wish i had died in the first attack in the monasteries, maybe then the history would have been easier for me. And for a lot of others...

AN: this was fun to write I hope you like it.
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