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A/N: Sorry for any mistakes.

Nobody's POV
When Azula woke up from her agitated slumber, a wave of nausea hit her. It did not stay long but was enough to make her gag, trying to expulse the nonexistent content of her stomach. Then a headache got there as she opened her eyes forcing them to close once again. It was quite unusual occurrence and she usually just pushed trough it. That morning however was not the kind if sickness that you just take a glass of water and then you're ready for the day. To add to the unfortunate situation, today was a very important day. Aritho had promised to bring her to the ancient sun warriors ruins to see the two other masters Rawn and Shaw. Now the plan had vanished as fast as the avatar did a hundred years ago.

Aritho POV

I sat silently in the eastern courtyard, Oyan laying by me. Still sleepy from the night before, these beast can sleep all day and still have the physique of an athlete. If i slept all day, one i would probably feel like i am losing my time but i would also loose my shape. I am waiting for the little one to arrive, we have been planning this trip for quite some time. She had been very excited about it. I had showed her the dance prior, she had found it useless until i showed her how much of the modern forms of fire bending was simply more specific moves mixes together with the dance. She even invented a new form with one of the moves from the dance. If i went with the tradition of the air nomads she would have earned her tattoos a while ago. She is brilliant with skills, socially not so much but can someone be truly perfect? I don't believe so. We all have defaults or troubles of attentions even the ones that are praised with their faculties to focus on something will inevitably lose focus sometimes. I would know, because of one if these moments of lack of attention i lost a lot of men. In Ba Sing Se mostly. Otherwise i try to not endanger my crew more than needed. Which means as little as possible. I put my feet on the ground, it had been a little bit too long that i was waiting, i know that the little was not down, i warned Ozai about it. If he wants to do that i better not find out about it otherwise i am not going to be nice. No one will hurt the little one on my watch. I stood up when i sense she was still in bed, very unusual. She is normally very awake a this time of the day. Often reading one of the books i lend her or one she stole from the library. I shook the ground to make Oyan get up, once done we headed to Azula' chambers. I knocked on the door slightly ajar, one of the handmaiden opened wider to see who it was. When she saw it was me, she froze before bowing low and letting me pass. I walked right in and like i had thought the little one was in bed. Now that i'm closer i can  tell without a doubt that she is sick. I approach the bed and sit down beside a pouty princess.

"I'm sorry," She began before a fit of cough stopped her from finishing her thought. I already knew what she wanted to tell me anyways, it doesn't matter we can always do this trip later on.

"Don't worry too much. We can always report this trip for later." I assure her as i pulled her closer.

"I really wanted to go..."

"I know, but you need to get better." I responded before turning to one of the maiden, or at least where i could feel one. "Has she taken any medicine?"

"No my lady, she refused every time we asked her to take so-" She was cut by another fit of cough from the little one beside me. I raised an eyebrow at her and tilted my head in a questioning manner. She lower her head looking away from the both of us.

"Very well, i will save you further trouble, you can  go to your other duties, agni knows there must be a lot." I said as i stood up from the bed. They all bowed in recognition, before exiting the room.  I walked over to the door asking Oyan to keep an eye on Azula the time i went to the kitchens and bring back some things. I did a small detour to get to my room, i would need some of the plants there. I entered the room and went straight to my cupboard where i stored the supplies for medicine. I clipped the small flasks on my belt, locked the cabinet door i really don't want these supplies to be found. It could be dangerous, some of the things in there are very important or unsafe. Some of them are required for my good mental state. Cactus juice is the least sting thing out there. I have a lot o mixed things in there too. If someone would take the same dose that i do they would most probably die. Not that it is important right now. I walk out of the room briskly making my way to the kitchens. It should be less crowded at this time of the day, breakfast was two hours ago and lunch will not be served before another good hour. I enter the room as if i owned it, which could be true if i actually committed to it. The few servants that were here were mostly working on doing the dishes or cleaning some things that had to be cleaned. I walked over to the supplies, i lighted one of the stove with some simple fire bending and put a pan on it as well as some oil in it. I took some rice from the big bag of it on the side of the room, washed it a couple of time and then molded them into triangles putting in the middle a little bit of medicine. I put the in the oil and let it sit for a slight second before putting them in a plate. I put some cough sirup on it too, luckily for her it actually tastes decent enough. It works wonders too. Once it was done i walked back to the little one's chambers. When i entered the room i found the little one sitting, her back leaning on her headboard and a book open in her lap. She was deep in the lecture of the book that she only looked up from it as i put down the plate on her bedside table. She smiled as she saw the food and took one to eat. She took small bites out of the top and went back to her reading taking another bite once in a while.

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