First Mission

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Kylee was sitting on her bed, doing her homework. It was her habit to leave her work for the last minute.

Just as the clock struck twelve, she heard a soft tap on her window. She turned to find a case that was hooked by something small. She couldn't make out the details as it was dark outside.

She knitted her eyebrows in confusion and went up to the window to open it. A breeze came in the room and Kylee looked closely at the object carrying the big case.

"Kylee Torres, you have received a package from Mr. Austin Brown. He wishes for you to know that the case contains your secret agent belongings." The object spoke in a robot voice. Kylee was baffled.

"Oh, umm... yeah, I was expecting that." She answered dumbly.

"Where do you wish for this to be placed?" The robot asked.

"Uh, right there." She said pointing at her bed. The robot flew into the room and dropped the package on her bed.

"Please sign this." The robot said as a clipboard descended from under it. Kylee picked up a pen and signed the paper.

"Anything else?" Kylee asked.

"That will be it. Have a good night." The robot replied and flew out the window leaving Kylee shocked.

She slowly turned to the case on her bed. Will I be getting mails like this? Kylee thought. Sighing, she opened the case.

There were her weapons and gadgets placed neatly along with her mission suit and SSA shirt. There was a tablet, an electronic wristband, a watch, two pistols, a revolver, an Uzi, three belt knives, six throwing knives and two combat knives.

She stared at the gadgets and weapons in amazement. She heard her phone buzz and picked it up. It was a text from Stella.

Did you get the package?

Kylee texted a yes and put the phone aside to admire her recently delivered belongings.

Kylee was always addicted to dangerous weaponry. She always wanted to take dangerous risks. And she always did when she needed to. She wanted to be tough. She didn't want to be someone who people could break easily. She didn't want to be someone who people could hurt just with words. And she wasn't.

She was never weak. Especially when it came to her family. Her remaining family. She sometimes cursed her mother for leaving her when she was just five. When Casey was just three. He didn't remember his mother and Kylee hated it. But sometimes, she hoped. She hoped that her mother would return. She hoped that her mother would come back for her son and her daughter. But she didn't.

She never returned. She left Casey with nothing but wonders. With questions. Many times, Casey turned to Kylee and asked her about their mother. About who she was and why she left. Kylee never had answers to his questions. She shot him down because she didn't want Casey to know who his mother was and why she left. Truth was, she didn't know it herself.

She sighed and smiled at the weapons and gadgets. She closed the case and picked it up. She looked around and pushed the case under her bed where she hoped no one will look.

She completed the rest of her homework and went to bed.


"Where are we supposed to hide the cases?" Kylee, Zack and Stella stopped dead in their tracks. They slowly turned to Miles.

"You didn't hide it yet?" Kylee asked in horror.

"Well, no. Mom even found it lying on my bed." Miles replied carelessly. The three gave him a look of disbelief. "Oh, but she didn't open it. I told her that I won six snakes from a bet." Miles quickly said when he saw their expressions.

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