Blending In

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Chapter: 05

The agency was as dark as it always was at night. Only a few of the main lights were on. Tyler hated being in the agency at night-time. The darkness always had him tense and forced him to keep up his guard at all times. Even three years of training couldn’t prepare him for how to handle surprises coming from the dark.

He didn’t have a choice though; the agency was the only place Wyatt would be at this time. Tyler’s footsteps echoed around, sending shudders down his spine. It was quiet and he didn’t see anyone around. Not even Amelia who was always around. He picked up his pace as he walked towards the small study room Wyatt was always in. It was one of the rooms he hated and he wondered if the only reason Wyatt spent almost all of his day in there was just to tease him.

Tyler didn’t bother knocking as he entered the room. It was barely 5 meters wide and 10 meters long. The white tiles stretched across the floor. There were shelves on the east and north of the walls and a desk was placed in the middle. Papers were sprawled across the desk and the only light in the room was what was coming from the study lamp. Behind the desk was a chair and, in the chair, sat Wyatt. He had his head leaning on his hand, his dark hair tousled and falling over his forehead. The light near him made his skin look fairer and clearer and caused a shadow under his eyes. He looked up when Tyler entered the room.

“Dude, you need to stop hiding in here like a cat. I’m pretty sure Otis is braver than you are,” Tyler told him.

Wyatt ignored his comment, “What are you doing here?”

“I came to talk to my best friend,” Tyler put up a tight smile and spun the chair in front of the desk to sit on it backward, resting his elbows on the edge.

“Okay, let me rephrase that. What do you need?” Wyatt asked and he pouted.

“I need to talk about Stella,” he saw the way the corner of Wyatt’s mouth quirked up as he closed the file in front of him. He glared at him.

“Did she dump you again?” he guessed.

Tyler stood up, “Wyatt, I am an agent with dignity and grace. I cannot lose that because of some new girl who refuses to go out with me. She is a tiny, tiny part of this world. And if I am going to make my name a wonder for this world, I can’t let a tiny, tiny part of it ruin this,” he burst out and Wyatt looked at him in amusement.

“If you want to protect your dignity and grace, you might want to stop asking her out,” Wyatt said.

“That makes no sense. It’ll make the other girls think that I gave up because of a rejection!”

“Well, they won’t be very far off,” under the desk, Tyler stomped his foot on Wyatt’s. he returned Tyler’s glare with his own.

“Try to impress her, Ty,” Wyatt said.

“I am a four-star agent! Isn’t that enough to impress her?” Wyatt sighed.

“Listen. This team of four is different. They’re unlike anyone else we’ve ever met before. Mostly because they weren’t a part of this agency from the beginning. They value more than their status here. Stella won’t care if she’s dating a four-star agent because she has her own pride. They’re the first untrained teenagers who became agents we’ve got in years. Girls die over you because you are a four-star agent but Stella is different. Her pride is worth more than yours, did you know that? Quinn has been training since she was five and she didn’t become an agent before she was thirteen. You and I had three years of training before we became official agents. Autumn had two years. But them? They had one session and they were approved. You should be dying over her.” Wyatt explained. Tyler listened carefully before he sighed.

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