North Secret Agency

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Chapter: 18

The first thing Kylee saw when she opened her eyes was a dark blue ceiling. There were long cracks in it from which bright rays of blue light illuminated the room dimly. Kylee grunted, trying to sit up to get a better look around the place.

She was in a small room with rock walls. The floor, like the ceiling, was dark blue. The tiles were outlined with a blue light similar to the one coming from the ceiling but dimmer. There wasn’t much in the room; just a desk and a chair. There wasn’t even a window but on one of the walls, there was a blue plate displaying the time.


Kylee blinked. Her head was throbbing and her eyes hurt whenever she moved them, presumably from the blue light. She closed her eyes and inhaled sharply when memories from before hit her. She tried to get up but stopped when she felt pain in her side. It was numb until she moved. She cursed herself.

The sound of a door creaking grabbed Kylee’s attention. She looked to see her mother walking inside, a smirk on her face.

“Did you sleep well?” She asked. Kylee said nothing but glared at her. “Oh, come on, Kylee, quit with the grudges. There isn’t enough time in the world to keep them.”

“Where am I?” she asked as if she hadn’t heard what her mother said.

Flora sighed but answered, “The North Secret Agency.”

Kylee paled. She looked at her mother in disbelief, “What?”

“Oh, relax. They won’t eat you.” Flora walked forward, holding out her hand to Kylee. “It would be rude to keep you here. Let me show you around.”

Kylee didn’t take her hand but stood up anyway, ignoring the pain at her side. Flora sighed, letting her hand drop.

“Follow me,” she said, walking out of the room. Kylee followed slowly and cautiously.

The room she was in was located at the far end of a long hallway. The floor and ceiling were the same as the ones in the room. The walls were also blue with light escaping from the cracks. NSA was dim and creepy, like a villain’s underground lair. Kylee longed for the brightness of SSA.

There weren’t any more rooms in that hallway. The end of the hallway opened up to the main agency where people roamed around in blue shirts. Unlike SSA, there weren’t any stations for lectures or training. Kylee assumed it may be because no one here was in training. She realized now why Mr. Brown felt threatened and wanted more agents.

“I know it’s not as bright as SSA,” her mother said as they walked forward. “But it is more advanced.”

“More advanced in making people’s eyes hurt?” she asked, rubbing her left eye. Flora chuckled.

“Flora!” said a distant voice. They both turned their heads to a teenage boy with dirty blond hair coming toward them. As he reached them, Kylee saw how the lighting affected the color of his eyes and hair. His eyes looked teal with a bluer shade although she was sure they were green. “Forster’s looking for you. He says he has the files ready.”

“Thank you, Cole.” The name struck Kylee and she looked up at the boy. Cole Thomas. Her mother seemed to have noticed her realization as she smirked. “Would you mind showing Kylee the workstation?”

He looked puzzled at first but then nodded. Flora wandered off in another direction and Cole turned to Kylee. “Follow me.” With that, he turned and started walking ahead. Kylee shook her head from the shock and followed him.

“You’re Cole Thomas?” Kylee asked, barely moving her lips and keeping her voice low.

“Flora told you?” Cole asked instead. He turned and walked into a room with glass doors. Inside, people were working at long tables. Some of them were discussing something while the others were cleaning objects. He led her to one of the tables where no one was working. Kylee took the opportunity.

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