Missing The Mission

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Chapter: 06

“For the last time: I’m not joining the basketball team,” Zack said frustratedly. Miles scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

“I don’t know why you have to be such a nerd,” Miles muttered and Zack shot him a glare. Stella sighed. The four of them were walking to school and she was sick of listening to Miles and Zack’s bickering. Kylee just ignored the fact that the boys were even there.

“You don’t have a right to call me a nerd. I bet you didn’t study a word for today’s test.”

Kylee stopped dead in her tracks.

“K, everything alright?” Stella asked in concern.

“I forgot about the test.”

What?!” Stella asked.

“I was so tired after last night’s mission I completely forgot about the test,” Kylee said and sighed.

As if on cue, the bell rang. Zack sent Kylee a look of pity, “Well, good luck. You’ll need it.”

The four of them went to class and sat in their respective seats. Ms. Green started handing out the history tests and Kylee took hers with a trembling hand. She wasn’t all nerdy but she did get good grades.

She read the test and slumped her shoulders. The topic was completely new to her. But the test was multiple choice. Maybe I’ll get some of Miles’s luck, she thought before grabbing a pencil and starting to shade the options.


“I cannot believe you, Kylee,” Kylee inhaled silently with her head slightly bowed as she watched her father pace around the room in disappointment. “How could you get an F?”

“I told you, Dad, I didn’t realize I had a test. And I—”

“You what, Kylee?” Her father cut her off sharply and she flinched. “Look, you’re a teenager. I get it. But you cannot let your social life interfere with your studies.”

“I barely have a social life! I was just… tired,” Kylee said.

“What made you tired? Where were you last night?” Her father asked. Kylee bit the inside of her lip but stayed silent. Even though her wound still hurt like hell, she didn’t bother mentioning to her father that the loss of a huge amount of blood was partly the reason she was exhausted last night. “Maybe you would’ve remembered to study if you weren’t out for so late. I think I need to remind you but your curfew is at eleven.” Kylee avoided her father’s gaze as she fiddled with her fingers. “Look, I need to make sure that something like this doesn’t happen again.”

“It won’t, I promise,” Kylee said.

“Oh, I know it won’t, Kylee Flora Torres,” She saw how her father shivered when he spoke her mother’s name between hers after nine years. Kylee also winced. “Because you are grounded for two weeks.” Kylee’s eyes widened.

Two weeks?!” She asked in disbelief. “Dad, that was just one test!”

“Don’t make me turn it to three,” her father told her. She sighed and left the room.

In the living room, she saw Casey sitting on the couch, smirking. He got up when he saw her, “Two weeks, eh?”

She sighed frustratedly, “Shut up.”

“No mocking comeback? You sure are upset.” Casey said. Kylee ignored him and went upstairs to her room.

Casey knitted his eyebrows in confusion as his smirk fell. He had never seen Kylee act so strange before. It was clear to everyone that the two of them didn’t like each other all that much but they still cared. He was now concerned about her.

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