DNA Matched

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Chapter: 12

“A threat?” Kylee asked, baffled.

“Wait, what kind of threat?” Zack asked, seeming equally baffled.

“I think I know where this came from,” Mr. Brown said. He was staring at the note although he looked to be a million miles away. “You all were told about the opposition. I think that is where it came from.”

“Why would they threaten us?” Stella asked.

“Because every single mission that we’ve been on caused an obstacle in the way to their goal,” Wyatt spoke. Kylee looked up at him.

“The robbery?” she asked.

“Those were agents of the opposition,”

“The kidnapped teenagers?”

“That’s how the opposition gets its agents,”

“The leak at the City Centre?”

“Caused by the opposition,”

“The fire in City Hall?”

“Also caused by the opposition,”

“The burglary at Brooklyn Museum?” Kylee bit her lip at the mention of the only mission she had failed.

“That was also caused by the opposition,” Wyatt told her and she sighed. “We only go on missions where the opposition is involved.”

“How do we know when the opposition is involved?” Zack asked. At that, Wyatt and Quinn shared a smirk.

“We have an undercover agent in the opposition,” Mr. Brown answered and then sighed. “Autumn, could you go through the note to see if the writer left fingerprints or anything like that?”

“Yes,” Autumn picked up the note carefully and walked out of the office.

Then, there was a beep, coming from Mr. Brown’s computer. He knitted his eyebrows and typed something on the keyboard before clicking.

“What is it?” Wyatt asked.

“A mission alert. Another teenager was kidnapped by the agents of the opposition. There is one girl but—”

“Is she hot?” Tyler asked earning nine looks of disbelief.

“Just…” Stella said and inhaled sharply. “Stop.” She told Tyler who nodded without question.

Mr. Brown continued, “There is one girl but thirteen agents at her guard.”

“That’s got to be one precious girl,” Wyatt muttered under his breath.

“There is no way only four of you can take them all down,” Mr. Brown said, typing something. “I’ll need you double-teamed again.”

“What about Autumn?” Tyler asked.

“She stays. Her work is more important. Meanwhile, you, Clark, and Quinn are going along with Hill, Flores, Carter, and Torres,” Mr. Brown ordered. Kylee noticed how he called everyone by their surnames except for Quinn. “You must leave now.”

At Mr. Brown’s call, all of them hurried out of the office to get into their mission suits. Kristen and Evin were at comms to contact them on the mission. Once they were all ready, they ran out to get their bikes. Kylee was thankful that the bikes were fast enough to get them on mission sites in time.

It was a chilly night. As Kylee slipped through the wind, she shivered, despite her jacket. Wyatt was ahead of her while the others were either on level or behind her. Her gaze was fixed on the road as the whizzes of her bike and the others’ echoed in her ears.

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