My Mother

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Chapter: 13

“I swear I didn’t do it,” Kylee suddenly said, looking around at the looks of confusion that she got. Autumn was looking at her intently, Wyatt, Stella, Quinn, Miles, and Zack in confusion, and Tyler looked blank. Kristen and Evin had the same confused looks on them.

Mr. Brown was looking down at the note, deep in thought, “I know you didn’t. Actually, I might just have an idea about who it was.” They all turned their heads to Mr. Brown. When he looked up, his gaze rested on Kylee. “Your mother.”

Kylee was startled. She looked at him in disbelief, her head spinning. She felt her stomach drop and her heartbeat increased by every second. Her mind was racing as that was the last thing that she expected him to say.

She hadn’t seen her mother in ten years. The life where her mother used to live had crumbled to dust and Kylee wouldn’t recognize it if she saw it.

Her mind suddenly wandered off to the woman she saw at the concert. The look of pride on her face when she looked at Kylee. Her eyes widened. She knew why she couldn’t stop thinking about that woman. It was because she was no ordinary woman. She was her own mother.

“I saw her,” it felt like her tongue had spoken on its own, without a command from her brain. “At the concert. I knew she looked familiar.” She shook her head. “But how is it possible? The last time I saw her, I was five years old.”

“I know, Kylee,” Mr. Brown said. It struck Kylee that it was the first time he had called her by just her first name. “I think we need to have a few words. Alone.” He added to the rest of them who nodded and left the office, leaving Kylee alone with Mr. Brown. She noticed how Wyatt looked at her in concern as he passed her. “Sit down.”

Kylee nodded and obeyed. She needed to sit down. Her mind was spinning and her heartbeat was echoing in her ears. Every inch of her was trembling. She gritted her teeth and tried hard to keep herself from shaking but failed. Her shoulders were tense and she took a deep and shaky breath.

Mr. Brown noticed her condition, “Torres, do you need water?”

Kylee shook her head, “I need answers.”

Mr. Brown sighed, “Very well.” He sat down and faced her with a serious expression. “Twenty years ago, there was a group of three friends. Two boys and one girl. They were teenagers, just like you. One day, there were two new transfers to their school from France. They spoke English rashly as if to prove they were natives of France. One of three friends, the smart one, noticed that there was something odd about them. She tried to warn the other two friends but they didn’t listen to her, saying that they were just French and nothing was odd about them.

“They were wrong, of course, for the transfers weren’t native French. The girl confronted them after she saw them taking some important files from the principal’s office. The three of them were alone and at that time, the transfers spoke to her in English. They spoke – or threatened, I would rather say – flawlessly, and in an American accent. Fortunately, her two friends were passing by the library and they overheard their conversation.

“From then on, the three friends kept an eye on the transfers. It turned out that they wanted more than any ordinary teenager could ever want. They wanted to turn the school into an agency and have people trained to be vicious and cruel yet cunning and talented. They wanted to make their name in the world. It was an extremely odd desire for teenagers but later on the friends found out that it was their parents’ death wish.

“The three friends tried to stop them. But they couldn’t and the school was eventually turned into an agency called NSA. The North Secret Agency. Later on, the three friends thought of giving the transfers a taste of their own medicine. They decided to build an agency. It was hard, of course, for none of them were rich. It took them three years but eventually, they built it and they called it the South Secret Agency. SSA for short.”

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