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Chapter: 17

The wind blew constantly, pushing Stella’s blond hair behind her. She shivered, folding her arms across her chest. In the darkness of the night, it was hard for her to even see ahead of her. The streetlights fluctuated often but didn’t go out.

Over the howling of the wind, she could hear the soft crunching noise the leaves made when she stepped on them. Her destination neared and she could see the warehouse now. Her heart pounded against her chest although she didn’t dare show it in her movements.

When she reached the front door, she eyed up the warehouse. It was worn out like all the others she had seen on missions although she couldn’t see much of it over the darkness. Taking a deep breath, she reached for the handle and opened the door, stepping inside.

It was huge and spacious which was emphasized by its emptiness. It was dimly lit although it was a relief from all the darkness outside. The paint on the walls had broken off entirely, creating a mess on the floor.

Stella saw a man and vaguely recognized him from the picture Autumn had shown them. He was pale with a scruffy beard and greasy black hair. His clothes were worn out as well. When he saw Stella, he bared his yellow teeth in a smile.

“And what would a pretty teenager be doing in a warehouse at this time of night?” his voice was hoarse, sending chills down Stella’s spine.

“I believe that is none of your business,” she said. She was sure to keep her voice pitchy and sweet so the man wouldn’t feel threatened.

“No, it’s not. And I don’t mind. I have been looking for a barbie,” he said, taking a step forward.

Stella smirked, “Well, then you’re at loss. I’m not a barbie.” Her expression stiffened. “I’m an agent.” With that, she stripped off her frockcoat, revealing her gear. It was hard wearing a frockcoat over a leather jacket but she had managed.

She pulled a revolver from her weapons belt and aimed it at the man who looked taken aback. But then he smirked.

“I would be a fool to think that you would actually be able to pull that trigger,” he said.

Stella shrugged, “Try me.”

The man took a step forward but then froze, feeling a gun at the back of his head.

“I wouldn’t suggest that,” Miles said from behind him. Stella grinned. The man’s expression was stiff, his teeth gritted. His eyes darted from side to side and landed on the door at his right. Just as he tried to move toward it, Zack appeared from behind Stella, blocking his path to the door.

“Looking for an escape route?” he asked, pulling out his own revolver. “NSA should’ve thought that through.”

“You, buddy,” Miles said, tapping the man on his shoulder. “You’re going to hand yourself over to the police.”

“As if,” the man said. Miles smiled and then flipped the gun, hitting the back of it on the man’s head, knocking him out cold.

“Come on, let’s get out of here,” Stella said and the boys followed her. They made their way outside, mounting on the bikes that were parked about a mile away and drifted away.

No one said a word to each other. Stella feared that would happen without Kylee. To say, their first mission without her went just fine. The team though wasn’t the same without her. Ever since Kylee left the agency after quitting, they hadn’t said a word to each other.

Stella knew that the boys had the same thoughts roaming around their minds as her. They were all thinking about Kylee but no one had talked about her yet. They hadn’t talked about anything.

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