Chapter 17 *Edited*

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Pierce jumped down from the helicopter and ducked under the whirling blades rushing off to the side and to safety. The wind buffeted him and his assistant, who had to yell to be heard, as they headed off the helipad. He was reviewing a commercial property in Japan for potential purchase in the expansion of one of his businesses. It was the third he'd seen so far, this past week. Traveling had kept him away from Claire, but he made sure she hadn't felt forgotten.

Before he'd left, he'd spent the night and made her breakfast the next morning as she slept. Leaving it beside her bed with a sweet note and a white rose, he'd quietly slipped out without waking her. On the tray with her breakfast had been a pamphlet and voucher for a spa in Pennsylvania. He sent her flowers and gifts, even though he was only going to be gone for two weeks. He still called and video chatted her every chance he got.

He couldn't remember a time in his life when he'd felt so happy. He woke up grateful and thanking God for every day. He could feel a definitive shift in the dynamics of their relationship lately. Though sometimes he could still see the fear in her eyes, Claire would still make an effort for him. Things he knew internally she was balking at. Like letting him meet her family. After Marcy had invited him and he'd accepted, he'd later offered her an out, but she'd acted like she hadn't heard him.

And then there'd been the other week in the kitchen, on the floor. She'd practically devoured him, and he'd reveled in every exquisite moment of it. He loved that side of her, and he didn't know what he'd done to bring it out, but damn if he didn't want to do it again. It had been worth the cracked skull.

Latoya, his assistant, translated and introduced him to the person he'd flown so far to meet. "Mr. Anderson, this is Jennifer Okamoto. Mrs. Okamoto, Pierce Anderson."

Pierce spoke five different languages fluently, Japanese was one of them, and he was currently learning another two. He let Latoya translate for him in professional settings because his competitors and even allies tended to be more ignorant of those, they thought couldn't understand them. Often, he would have Latoya excuse herself for a moment or two just to see what they would say around him in what they thought was complete confidence.

Okamoto showed them around the building, telling them about its history and security features. Pierce gazed around wondering if he really wanted to set roots there. Business had been booming in the Asian markets recently and demand had picked up. He would need a base soon. They conversed more before Okamoto escorted them back to the helipad and they were on their way.

Pierce couldn't wait to get to the airport. He dreaded the long flight ahead of him, but Claire would be on the other side.


Claire checked into the hotel and found her room. What had she let Pierce talk her into now? He was meeting her, coming from Japan. Her own flight had been harried, even in First Class, she couldn't imagine his. She was in Italy. Florence, to be exact.

Her journey had been exhausting, but the city was gorgeous. Everywhere she looked something took her breath away and that was just in her short trip from the airport. She dumped her luggage at the foot of the bed and immediately began to strip. She was in desperate need of a hot shower. She'd texted Pierce to let him know that she was there but hadn't heard back yet. He must have still been in the air.

After a quick shower to wash the travel off, she decided to take a short nap. She forgot how exhausting flying could be. She said a quick prayer for her boys as she laid her head down and then she was asleep.

She heard little cherubs of laughter echoing around her. She was in a deserted playground. "Hello?" She called out as she walked through the mist that was suddenly everywhere. The laughter echoed again somewhere to her left, by the monkey bars. She turned and followed the sound even though she could barely make the forms of the equipment out through the fog.

As she passed the swings, she thought she saw a small figure dash through the clouds ahead of her, laughing as it went. "Wait!" She called as she rushed after it. "Who are you?!"

It felt like she'd run for miles. She finally reached the dome of the monkey bars and Pierce was standing on the other side holding a little boy on his hip. The boy had to have been about four or five. "Hey, Claire." He called to her. "Someone wants to ask you something."

Claire stopped a few feet from them, studying the boy; her heart in her throat and tears in her eyes as Dylan stared back at her. As she sobbed something slid into her right hand. She looked down to see Damian holding her hand. "Oh, my God." She whispered as she looked into his young face. A face she'd never seen at that age. He hadn't lived that long.

"Are you happy Mommy?" He asked her.

"I don't know." She continued to whisper.

"Does he make you happy? "Dylan asked her from Pierce's arms.

Claire looked at Pierce. "Yes."

She felt soft lips on hers. Claire stirred awake, surrounded by the familiar scent and feel of her lover. "Hey." He whispered softly against her lips.

"Hey yourself." She realized that he was only wearing a towel and his hair was wet. He'd had time to shower. The dream faded away and her heart ached.

"Hungry?" He sat back.

Does he make you happy? "Famished."

"Do you want to eat in or go out?"

"How long have you been here? Are you tired?" She ignored his question.

Pierce smiled at her concern. Just being around her rejuvenated him. "I've got a little bit of fuel left in the tank, if you want to go out."

"You don't mind? I think I passed this beautiful little bistro on my way in. I'd like to see if we can find it." She needed to distract herself.

"Let's get dressed and find it then."

They spent the next five days in Italy. Claire had to admit it had been perfect. They'd rode vespas through the city street, visited local vineyards and even made their own bottles of wine. They'd gone horseback riding. That had been her favorite. Riding through the countryside with him. They'd stopped and had a picnic beside a babbling brook. They had taken off their shoes and dipped their feet in the refreshing waters. They'd made love.

On their last night as they lay wrapped in each other, Pierce playing in Claire's hair, he said, "When I was gone, I didn't think I would miss you as much as I did. Every time I leave you it gets worse."

He waited, expecting her to freeze or panic; pull away from him. She moved, but it was to turn in his arms so she could look at him better. She looked at him for a long moment, studying his features in the weak light coming in through the balcony. She thought about the dream she'd had when she first got there. About all of the warring emotions she'd been having lately and how tired she was of fighting them all the time. "I missed you too." She admitted softly in the dark.

Pierce awarded her with a dazzling smile that lit up the room despite the late hours. She suddenly wished she said things like that to him more often. His smile was contagious, and she found herself beaming back at him.

He captured her lips in a passionate kiss that seared her to her core. As he kissed, touched, caressed and filled her, she could feel his love for her. It was palpable. She clung to him as she climaxed, the words on the tip of her tongue, because dear God, she loved him too.

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