Chapter 34

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Claire sat in the waiting room of her OBGYN. Pierce was running late and she was due to be seen any minute. He had called, but she was still irritated that he was going to miss the appointment. She was nearing the end of her second trimester. They had missed the first important milestone. She didn't want him to miss this one too. She was concerned because they would only be more frequent here on out until the baby came. Once she hit twenty-eight weeks she would be here every two weeks.

Subconsciously, she wondered if it was Latoya making him late. She really didn't like the woman and she didn't have a valid reason not to. Her name was called and she pushed herself up and out of the chair and headed toward the nurse. Just as she started toward the back with the nurse Pierce rushed into the waiting room looking harried. "I'm here. I made it."

Claire gave him an irritated look and continued to follow the woman into the room she had indicated. Pierce huffed and followed them. The nurse told them that the doctor would be right in and left them alone.

"I know you're upset." Pierce began.

"Why would I be upset? You made it." Claire told him evenly.

"Baby, don't be like that." He tried to pull her to him, but she stepped away. All she could think about was Latoya's curvaceous form and full, pouty lips. "I was with a client. I couldn't just walk out."

"Couldn't you? You own the company." Claire said bitterly as she quickly changed into her gown.

"It was a very important client."

"I'll just bet it was."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

The door opened and their doctor stepped in with the nurse. Claire sat on the examination table. The doctor shook Pierce's hand, but Pierce was still looking at Claire. She was acting odd. He didn't understand what had gotten into her. He was a few minutes late, but he still made the appointment. He was frustrated that they couldn't talk about it now.

The doctor went about his exam and performed an ultrasound and they were able to see the baby. They listened to the heartbeat with the doppler and Pierce felt tears stinging his eyes. He would forever be in awe of the little life they had created. Claire even forgot she was upset with him for a moment and grasped at his hand as they saw the fetus on the small monitor.

The doctor printed out the sonogram and handed it to her. She stared at it. Her heart felt too big for her chest. She showed it to Pierce.

"You two sure you still don't want to know the sex?"

"We're sure." Pierce told him.

The nurse cleaned Claire up and they departed the room, leaving the couple alone again. Pierce turned to her as she got dressed. "Are we going to talk about this? You made a promise not to stonewall me again."

"I'm not stonewalling you."

"Seems like it."

"What do you want me to say. I'm a hormonal mess right now."

"So, say that. Baby, you have to let me in or I can't help. I'm not telepathic."

Claire sighed. "I was jealous, okay. I thought you were somewhere with Latoya." She couldn't meet his eyes.

This again? "She's gone. I'll fine someone else by the end of the week." He promised.

"That's not what I want." Claire cringed. She didn't want the poor woman to lose her job on Claire's account.

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