Chapter 29

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Claire had thought about telling her sisters, but it hadn't felt right without speaking to Pierce first. After talking to him, they had decided to have a small dinner with their close family and friends to make the announcement. Claire was nervous. She knew she shouldn't be.

According to her prenatal doctor, most miscarriages happened within the first trimester. She had cleared that hurdle before she even knew she was pregnant. And the baby was completely healthy and developing at a normal, steady rate. The thought of telling everyone still made her nervous.

"We don't have to tell a soul, if you don't want." Pierce had rubbed her back before they left for the dinner.

"No. They'll figure it out eventually. It's not exactly like I can hide it forever. Then we'll have a bunch of people with hurt feelings to deal with along with getting ready for a new baby. It's best to just get this over with now."

They had driven to the restaurant in a comfortable silence, Claire's hand in his the entire way. They arrived to find most of their party already seated in their private dining area. Steph, Pierce's best friend, came over and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek before she took her seat. They had hung out with him and his girlfriend on several occasions. Claire liked him. He was the polar opposite of Pierce. Short, stocky and wore glasses, but also had the biggest heart. His girlfriend, Gloria, was also adorable. She was like a little porcelain doll.

"This is so nice. Even if we did all just see each other for the holiday." May stated as she unfolded her handkerchief and placed it in her lap.

"Any excuse to get out the house." Her father agreed.

The group ordered their meals and made chit chat as they waited. Jonas, Bo, Steph and Pierce were engrossed in a heated discussion about a recent card game. Gloria was a landscaper and was trying to give Claire gardening tips, but Claire had never had much of a green thumb, so she was only listening with half an ear.

Her mind drifted to her artwork. Was her paint harmful to the baby? She would have to look up the ingredients and talk to her doctor. Her mind turned to the clay she had started sculpting with recently. She had only been sculpting for a few months. Was that or the glaze dangerous too? She bit back a sigh.

She had worn her hair in a tasteful chignon and wore a beautiful midnight blue dress that hid her growing baby bump. Pierce squeezed her hand under the table, and she looked at him. He was smiling at her. She found herself returning the smile and some of the tension faded. Everything was fine. She stole a kiss.

"Not that we don't all enjoy watching the two of you making out, but what's this all about?" Lena spoke up.

The waiter came around to refill their glasses with champagne at this time, but Claire covered her glass. "None for me, thank you." Marcy looked at Caitlyn and Courtney, but kept her mouth shut. Claire glanced at Pierce again before addressing their party. "Pierce and I asked you all here today because we have an announcement we wanted to share with all of you."

"Oh, my. Are you two finally getting married?" Her mother asked and she turned to Dawnn and the two started chatting away in excitement.

"Um, no." Claire blushed profusely. "We're not making that kind of announcement. We're actually having a baby." She blurted out.

Commotion erupted around the table as everyone began talking at once and offering congratulations. Claire swallowed and tried to graciously accept the bombardment of compliments. Part of her still wished she could have just kept it between her and Pierce, but they were family. They had a right to know. They had all been with her during her worst times. They should be with her during her best times too.

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